Database Documentation
 Summary of databases
 List of all stored phase diagrams
 How to use the databases
 [ELEM] - FactSage elements database
 [FTdemo] - demonstration database for slide shows
 [FactPS] - FACT pure substances database, list of compounds
 [SGPS] - SGTE pure substances database, list of compounds
 [FToxid] - FACT oxide database:
 [FTsulf] - FACT sulfide database:
 [FTsalt] - FACT salt database:
 [FTmisc] - FACT sulfide, alloy, miscellaneous databases:
  - general description
  - list of optimized systems and calculated phase diagrams
  - list of compounds and solutions
  - description of solutions
  - phase diagrams
 [FTOxCN] - FACT high-T oxycarbonitride database:
 [FTfrtz] - FACT fertilizer database:
 [FThall] - FACT database for Hall aluminum process:
  - general description
  - list of compounds and solutions
  - description of solutions
  - phase diagrams
 [FThelg] - FACT aqueous (Helgeson) database:
 [FTpulp] - FACT pulp and paper database:
 [FTlite] - FACT Al-alloy, Mg-Alloy and Ti-alloy databases:
 [FTnucl] - FACT nuclear database for the nuclear industry:
 [Coke] - FACT baked carbon database
 [FScopp] - FactSage copper alloy database:
 [FSlead] - FactSage lead alloy database:
 [FSstel] - FactSage steel alloy database:
 [FSupsi] - FactSage ultrapure silicon database:
 [SGsold] - SGTE solder alloy database:
 [SGTE] - SGTE 2017 alloy database:
 [SGTE] - SGTE 2020 alloy database:
 [SGTE] - SGTE 2022 alloy database:
 [BINS] - SGTE free binary alloy database:
 [SGUN] - SGTE unary database:
 [SGnobl] - SGnobl noble metal alloy database:
 [SpMCBN] - Spencer Group carbide-nitride-boride-silicide systems:
 [TDmeph] - IRSN Mephista database for new generation nuclear fuels:
 [TDnucl] - IRSN Nuclea nuclear database:
  - general description
  - list of compounds and solutions
 List of database files stored in \FACTDATA
 List of references