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[0007] C. W. Bale, E. B lisle, P. Chartrand, S. A. Decterov, G. Eriksson, K. Hack, I.-H. Jung, Y.-B. Kang, J. Melan on, A. D. Pelton, C. Robelin and S. Petersen, FactSage Thermochemical Software and Databases Recent Developments , Calphad, 33 (2), 295-311 (2009).
[0008] I.-H. Jung, Overview of the applications of thermodynamic database to steelmaking process , Calphad, 2010, vol. 34, pp. 332-362.
[0009] C. W. Bale, E. B lisle, P. Chartrand, S. Decterov, G. Eriksson, A. Gheribi, K. Hack, I.-H. Jung, J. Melan on, A. D. Pelton, S. Petersen and C. Robelin, Recent Developments in FactSage Thermochemical Software and Databeses , in: Celebrating the Megascale: Proc. of the Extraction and Processing Division Symposium on Pyrometallurgy in Honor of David G. C. Robertson , eds. P. Mackey, E. Grimsey, R. Jones, G. Brooks, Wiley, NY, pp. 141-148 (2014).
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[0011] J.P Harvey, F. Lebreux-Desilets, J. Marchand, K. Oishi, A.F Bouarab, ..., On the Application
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[1001] A.D. Pelton, "Calculation of a Binary Solidus When Only the Liquidus and Minimal Thermodynamic Information are Known", Ber. Bunsenges. phys. Chem., 84, 212‑17 (1980).
[1002] A.D. Pelton, H. Kohler and A. Dubreuil, "Some Useful Thermodynamic Relationships Involving Binary Phase Diagrams", Proc. Wagner Symposium, "Chemical Metallurgy ‑ A Tribute to Carl Wagner", Ed. N. Gokcen, AIME, Chicago, pp. 273‑82 (1981).
[1003] A.D. Pelton and H. Kohler, "Calculation of phase boundaries in binary systems", CALPHAD Journal, 6, 39‑48 (1982).
[1004] A.D. Pelton and M. Blander, "Computer‑Assisted Analysis of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of Slags", Proc. AIME Symposium on Metallurgical Slags and Fluxes, L. Tahoe, Nevada, pp 281‑294, TMS‑AIME, Warrendale, PA (1984).
[1005] A.D. Pelton and M. Blander, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Ordered Liquid Solutions by a Modified Quasichemical Approach ‑ Application to Silicate Slags", Met. Trans., 17B, 805‑815 (1986).
[1006] M. Blander and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Binary Liquid Slags and Prediction of Ternary Slag Properties by Modified Quasichemical Equations", Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta., 51, 85‑95 (1987).
[1007] A.D. Pelton, "A Database and Sublattice Model for Molten Salt Solutions", Calphad J., 12, 127‑142 (1988).
[1008] A.D. Pelton, "On the Slopes of Phase Boundaries", Met. Trans., 19A, 1819‑25 (1988).
[1009] C.W. Bale and A.D. Pelton, "The Unified Interaction Parameter Formalism - Thermodynamic Consistency and Applications", Met. Trans., 21A, 1997-2002 (1990).
[1010] Y. Dessureault and A.D. Pelton "Contribution to the Quasichemical Model of Reciprocal Molten Salt Solutions", J. Chim. Phys., 88, 1811-1830 (1991).
[1011] A.D. Pelton, "The Chemical Capacitance - A Thermodynamic Solution Property", J. Chim. Phys, 89, 1931-1949 (1992).
[1012] A.D. Pelton, "Proof of Schreinemaker's Rule for General Phase Diagram Sections", J. Phase Equilibria, 16, 501‑503 (1995).
[1013] A.D. Pelton, "The Polynomial Representation of Thermodynamic Properties in Dilute Solutions", Met. Trans., 28B, 869-76 (1997).
[1014] P. Chartrand and A. D. Pelton, "Modeling the Charge Compensation Effect in Silica‑Rich Na2O-K2O-Al2O3-SiO2 Melts", Calphad Journal.23, 219-230(1999).
[1015] A.D. Pelton, S.A. Decterov, G. Eriksson, C. Robelin and Y. Dessureault, "The Modified Quasichemical Model I Binary Solutions", Metall. and Mat. Trans., 31B,651-660 (2000).
[1016] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "On the Choice of "Geometric" Thermodynamic Models", J. Phase Equilibria, 21, 141-147 (2000).
[1017] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Complex Solutions", Proc. J.K. Brimacombe Memorial Symposium, Canad. Inst. Min. Metall., 763-780 (2000).
[1018] A.D. Pelton, "General Phase Diagram Sections", Proc. J.M. Toguri Symposium, Canad. Inst. Min. Metall., Ottawa, pp. 45-56 (2000).
[1019] A.D. Pelton, "A General 'Geometric' Thermodynamic Model for Multicomponent Solutions", Calphad Journal, 25, 319-328 (2001).
[1020] A.D. Pelton & P. Chartrand, "The Modified Quasichemical Model II - Multicomponent Solutions", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1355-60 (2001).
[1021] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "The Modified Quasichemical Model III - Two Sublattices", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1397-1408 (2001).
[1022] A.D. Pelton & P. Chartrand, "The Modified Quasichemical Model IV - Two Sublattice Quadruplet Approximation", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1409-16 (2001).
[1023] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Models and Datbases for Slags, Fluxes and Salts", Proc. VII Int'l Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, South African Inst. Mining & Metallurgy, Johannesburg, pp. 607-614, (2004).
[1024] M. Hillert, B. Burton, S. K. Saxena, S. A. Decterov, K. C. Hari Kumar, H. Ohtani, F. Aldinger and A. Kussmaul, Thermodynamic Modelling of Solutions and Alloys. Modelling of Oxides , CALPHAD, 21 (2), 247-264 (1997).
[1025] S. A. Decterov, A. D. Pelton, H.-J. Seifert, O. Fabrichnaya, J. P. Hajra, A. Navrotsky, K. Helean, V. Swamy, A. V. da Costa e Silva and P. Spencer, Thermodynamic Modelling of Oxide and Oxynitride Phases , Z. Metallkd., 92, 533-549 (2001).
[1026] M. Hillert and L.I. Staffanson: Regular Solution Model for Stoichiometric Phases and Ionic Melts, Acta Chem. Scand., 24, 3618-26 (1970); B. Sundman and J. gren: A Regular Solution Model for Phases with Several Components and Sublattices, Suitable for Computer Applications, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 42, 297-301 (1981).
[1027] A.D. Pelton and Y.-B. Kang, Modeling short‑range ordering in solutions , Int. J. Mat. Res., 98, 907-17 (2007).
[1028] A.D. Pelton & P. Chartrand, "Authors' reply to "Shortcomings of the recent modifications of the quasichemical solution model" by D. Saulov", Calphad, 31, 396-8 (2007).
[1029] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic database development Modeling and Phase Diagram Calculation in Oxide Systems", Rare Metals, 25, 473-480 (2006).
[1030] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic models and databases for slags, fluxes and salts", Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. C), 114, C180-C188 (2005).
[1031] A.D. Pelton, The Geometry of General Phase Diagram Sections , Proc. 16th Iketani Conference, Publisher: Iketani Conf. Committee, Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, pp. 545-556 (2006)
[1032] A.L. Perron, L.I. Kiss and P. Chartrand, Rise velocity of single bubbles moving under a slightly inclined surface in various liquids , Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, submitted.
[1033] A.N. Grundy, H. Liu, I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts, Part I: Viscosity of Binary SiO2-MeOx Systems (Me = Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al) Int l. J. Mat. Res., 99, 1185-1194 (2008).
[1034] A.N. Grundy, I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts, Part II: The NaO0.5-MgO-CaO-AlO1.5-SiO2 System , Int l. J. Mat. Res., 99, 1195-1209 (2008).
[1035] Kim W.-Y., A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part III: Modification of the model for melts containing alkali metals". Int. J. Mat. Res., in press (2012).
[1036] Brosh E., A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part IV: Borosilicate melts". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 494-501 (2012).
[1037] Brosh E., A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part V: Borosilicate melts containing alkali oxides". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 537-550 (2012).
[1038] Youn-Bae Kang and Arthur. D. Pelton, Modeling short-range ordering in liquids: the Mg-Al-Sn system , Calphad Journal, 34, 180-188 (2010).
[1039] C. Robelin, G. Eriksson, A.D. Pelton and P. Chartrand, Models for the Thermodynamic Properties, Density and Viscosity of Molten Salts , Proc. VIII Int l Conf. Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Santiago (2009).
[1040] A.D. Pelton, G. Eriksson and C.W. Bale, Thermodynamic modeling of dilute components of multicomponent solutions , Calphad Journal, 33, 679-683 (2009).
[1041] M. Schick, W. Khan, K Hack, and I. Egry, Surface Tension of binary Ni-Cr alloys , High Temperature-High Pressures, 40, 113-125 (2011)
[1042] J.-P. Harvey, A. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Accurate determination of the Gibbs energy of Cu-Zr melts using the thermodynamic integration method in Monte Carlo simulations , J. Chem. Phys., 135, 084502/1-084502/13 (2011).
[1043] W.-Y. Kim, X. Yang, L. Yan, A. D. Pelton and S. A. Decterov. Modeling the viscosity of silicate melts containing zinc oxide , Calphad 35, 542-550 (2011).
[1044] A.E. Gheribi, C. Audet, S. Le Digabel, E. B lisle, C.W. Bale and A.D. Pelton, Calculating optimal conditions for alloy and process design using thermodynamic and property databases, the FactSage software and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm , Calphad, 36, 135-143 (2012).
[1045] A.E. Gheribi, C. Robelin, S. Le Digabel, C. Audet and A.D. Pelton, Calculating all local minima on liquidus surfaces using the FactSage software and databases and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search algorithm , J. Chem. Thermo., 43, 1323-30 (2011).
[1046] W.-Y. Kim, A. D. Pelton, and S. A. Decterov, Modeling Viscosity of Silicate Melts Containing Lead Oxide , Metall. Mater. Trans., 43B (2), 325-336 (2012).
[1047] W.-Y. Kim, A.D. Pelton, C.W. Bale, E. B lisle and S.A. Decterov, "Modeling the viscosity of Silicate Melts containing Manganese Oxide", J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall., 49 (3) B, 323-337 (2013).
[1048] P. Ouzilleau, C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A Density Model Based on the Modified Quasichemical Model and Applied to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl2) Liquid , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 47, 171-176 (2012).
[1049] A. E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Application of the CALPHAD method to predict the thermal conductivity in dielectric and semiconductor crystals , CALPHAD, 39, 70-79 (2012).
[1050] P. Coursol, G. Dufour, J. C t , P. Chartrand and P. Mackey, Application of Thermodynamic Models for Better Understanding and Optimization of the Hall-Heroult Process , JOM, 64, 1326-33 (2012).
[1051] J.-P. Harvey, A.E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Accurate determination of the Gibbs energy of copper-zirconium melts using the thermodynamic integration method in Monte-Carlo simulations , J. Chem. Phys., 135, 084502 (2011).
[1052] P. Ouzilleau, C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A density model based on the modified quasichemical model and applied to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl2) liquid , J. Chem. Thermo., 47, 171-176 (2012).
[1053] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A viscosity model for the (NaF + AlF3 + CaF2 + Al2O3) electrolyte , J. Chem. Thermo., 43, 764-774 (2011).
[1054] J.-P. Harvey, A.E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic integration based on the classical atomistic simulations to determine the Gibbs free energy of condensed phases: calculation of the aluminum-zirconium system , Physical Review B. (Accepted July 11th 2012).
[1055] J.-P. Harvey, G. Eriksson, D. Orban and P. Chartrand, Global minimization of the Gibbs energy of multicomponent systems involving the presence of order/disorder phase transitions , American Journal of Science. (Accepted June 26th 2012).
[1056] A. M. Nasiri, P. Chartrand, D. C. Weckman and Y. Zhou, Thermochemical Analysis of Phases Formed at the Interface of a Mg alloy-Ni plated Steel Joint during Laser Brazing , Metall. and Mater. Trans. A, (Accepted Oct. 17th 2012).
[1057] L. Jin, D. Kevorkov, M. Medraj and P. Chartrand, Al-Mg-RE (RE: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) systems: thermodynamic evaluations and optimizations coupled with key experiments and Miedema's model estimations , J. Chem. Thermodynamics (Accepted Oct. 24th 2012).
[1058] A.E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, An in silico method to predict the thermal conductivity in insulating crystals , Proc. 31st Intl Therm. Conduct. Conf. and 19th Intl Therm. Exp. Symp., June 26-30, 2011.
[1059] E. Brosh, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part V: Borosilicate melts containing alkali oxides". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 537-550 (2012).
[1060] W.-Y. Kim, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part III: Modification of the model for melts containing alkali oxides". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 313-328 (2012).
[1061] E. Brosh, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part IV: Borosilicate melts". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 494-501 (2012).
[1062] A.D. Pelton, P. Koukkari, R. Pajarre and G. Eriksson, "Paraequilibrium phase diagrams", J. Chem. Thermo., 72, 16-22 (2014).
[1063] G. Eriksson, C.W. Bale and A. D. Pelton, "Interpretation and Calculation of first-melting projections of phase diagrams", J. Chem. Thermo., J. Chem Thermodynamics, 67, 63-73 (2013).
[1064] Y.B. Kang and A.D. Pelton "The shape of liquid miscibility gaps and short-range order" J. Chem. Thermo., 60, 19-24 (2013).
[1065] Wan-Yi Kim, Pierre Hudon, and In-Ho Jung, Modeling the viscosity of silicate melts
containing Fe oxide: Fe saturation condition , Calphad, vol. 72, 102242.
[1066] Wan-Yi Kim, Pierre Hudon, and In-Ho Jung, Modeling the viscosity of silicate melts
containing Fe oxide: FeO/Fe2O3 containing system , Calphad, 2021, vol. 72, 102244.
[1067] J.P. Harvey, .E. Gheribi, A. Rincent, J. Jofr and P. Lafaye, On the elaboration of the
next generation of thermodynamic models of solid solutions , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
22 (35), 19999-20013 (2020).
[1068] .E. Gheribi, J.A. Torres and P. Chartrand, Recommended values for the thermal
conductivity of molten salts between the melting and boiling points , Sol. Energy Mater.
Sol. Cells., 126, 11-25 (2014).
[1069] .E. Gheribi, J.L. Gardarein, F. Rigollet and P. Chartrand, Evidence of second order
transition induced by the porosity in the thermal conductivity of sintered metals , APL
Materials, 2 (7), 076105/1-076105/6 (2014).
[1070] .E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Effect of Grain Boundaries on the Lattice Thermal
Transport Properties of Insulating Materials: A Predictive Model , J. Am. Ceram. Soc, 98
(3), 888-897 (2015).
[1071] .E. Gheribi, M. Salanne, and P. Chartrand, Thermal transport properties of halide solid
solutions: Experiments vs equilibrium molecular dynamics , J. Chem. Phys.,
142 (12), 124109/1-124109/8 (2015).
[1072] .E. Gheribi, J.L. Gardarein, E. Autissierand, F. Rigollet, M. Richou and P. Chartrand,
Experimental study of the thermal conductivity of sintered tungsten: Evidence of a critical
behaviour with porosity , Appl. Phys. Lett., 107 (9), 094102/1-094102/4 (2015).
[1073] .E. Gheribi, A. Seifitokaldani, P. Wu and P. Chartrand, An ab initio method for the
prediction of the lattice thermal transport properties of oxide systems: Case study of Li2O
and K2O , J. Appl. Phys., 118 (14), 145101/1-145101/5 (2015)
[1074] .E. Gheribi, S. Poncsak, S. Guerard, J.F. Bilodeau, L. Kiss and P. Chartrand, Thermal
conductivity of the sideledge in aluminum electrolysis cells: Experiments and numerical
modelling , J. Chem. Phys., 146 (11), 114701/1-114701/10 (2017).
[1075] L. Pilote, .E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Study of the solubility of Pb, Bi and Sn in
aluminum by mixed CALPHAD/DFT methods: Applicability to aluminum machining
alloys , Calphad, 61, 275-287 (2018).
[1076] .E. Gheribi, M. Salanne and P. Chartrand, Formulation of Temperature-Dependent
Thermal Conductivity of NaF, β-Na3AlF6, Na5Al3F14, and Molten Na3AlF6 Supported
by Equilibrium Molecular Dynamics and Density Functional Theory , J. Phys. Chem. C,
120 (40), 22873-22886 (2016).
[1077] M. Vermot des Roches, .E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, A versatile multicomponent
database for the surface tension of liquid metals , Calphad, 65, 326-339 (2019).
[1078] .E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Temperature and oxygen adsorption coupling effects upon
the surface tension of liquid metals , Scientific Reports 9 (1), 1-9 (2019).
[1079] .E. Gheribi, M. Vermot des Roches and P. Chartrand, Modelling the surface tension of
liquid metals as a function of oxygen content , J. Non-Cryst. Sol. 505, 154-161 (2019).
[1080] P. Ouzilleau, A.E. Gheribi, G, Eriksson, D.K. Lindberg, P. Chartrand, A size-dependent thermodynamic model for coke crystallites: The carbon hydrogen system up to 2500K , Carbon, 85, 99-118 (2015).
[1081] P. Ouzilleau, A.E. Gheribi, D. Lindberg, P. Chartrand. A Size-Dependent Thermodynamic Model for Coke Crystallites: The Carbon-Sulfur System Up to 2500 K (2227 C). , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 47, 1817-1831 (2016).
[1082] P. Ouzilleau, A.E. Gheribi, P. Chartrand, A Size-Dependent Thermodynamic Model for the Carbon/Hydrogen/Sulfur System in Coke Crystallites: Application to the Production of Pre-Baked Carbon Anodes , Light Metals 2015 (2015).
[1083] P. Ouzilleau, A.E. Gheribi, P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic description of graphitizable carbons and the irreversible graphitization process , Carbon, 132, 556-564 (2018).
[1084] A.D. Pelton C.W. Bale, J. Melancon, G. Eriksson, K. Hack, M. to Baben, Applying
to chemical equilibrium calculations through the use of virtual elements ,
Calphad 81, 102544 (2023).
[2001] P. Wu and A.D. Pelton, "Coupled Thermodynamic/Phase Diagram Assessment of the Rare Earth Oxide - Aluminum Oxide Binary Systems", J. Alloys and Compounds, 179, 259-287 (1992).
[2002] P. Wu, G. Eriksson and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the CaO-FeO, CaO-MgO, CaO-MnO, FeO-MgO, FeO-MnO and MgO-MnO Systems", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76, 2065-2075 (1993).
[2003] P. Wu, G. Eriksson and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the Na2O-SiO2 and K2O-SiO2 Systems", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 76, 2059-64 (1993).
[2004] G. Eriksson and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the CaO-Al2O3, Al2O3-SiO2 and CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 Systems", Metall. Trans., 24B, 807-816 (1993).
[2005] G. Eriksson and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the MnO-TiO2, MgO-TiO2, FeO-TiO2, Ti2O3-TiO2, Na2O-TiO2 and K2O-TiO2 Systems", Metall. Trans., 24B, 795-805 (1993).
[2006] G. Eriksson, P. Wu and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the MgO-Al2O3, MnO-Al2O3, FeO-Al2O3, Na2O-Al2O3 and K2O-Al2O3 Systems", Calphad Journal, 17, 189-206 (1993).
[2007] A.D. Pelton, G. Eriksson and J.A. Romero-Serrano, "Calculation of Sulfide Capacities of Multicomponent Slags", Metall. Trans., 24B, 817-825 (1993). (Awarded TMS 1997 Extraction and Processing Science Award.)
[2008] G. Eriksson, P. Wu, M. Blander and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the MnO-SiO2 and CaO-SiO2 Systems", Canad. Met. Quart., 33, 13-22 (1994).
[2009] G. Eriksson, A.D. Pelton, E.Woermann and A. Ender, "Measurement and Thermodynamic Evaluation of Phase Equilibria in the Fe‑Ti‑O System", Ber. Bunsengesellschaft Phys. Chem., 100, 1839-49 (1996).
[2010] S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the CrO‑Cr2O3, CrO‑Cr2O3‑Al2O3 and CrO‑Cr2O3‑CaO Systems", J. Phase Equilibria, 17, 476-487 (1996).
[2011] S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the CrO-Cr2O3-SiO2, and CrO-Cr2O3-SiO2‑Al2O3 Systems", J. Phase Equilibria, 17, 488-494 (1996).
[2012] E. Jak, S. Decterov, P. Wu, P. Hayes and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Optimisation of the Systems PbO-SiO2, ZnO-SiO2 and PbO-ZnO-SiO2", Met. Trans., 28B, 1011-1018 (1997).
[2013] S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the CrO-Cr2O3-SiO2‑CaO System". Met. Trans., 28B, 235-242 (1997).
[2014] A.D. Pelton, G. Eriksson, G. Krajewski, M. Goebbels and E. Woermann, "Measurement and Thermodynamic Evaluation of Phase Equilibria in the Mg-Ti-O System", Z. Phys. Chem, 207, 163-180 (1998)
[2015] E. Jak, S. Decterov, P. Hayes and A. D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Optimisation of the Systems CaO-Pb-O and PbO-CaO-SiO2", Canad. Metall. Quart., 37, 41-47 (1998).
[2016] A.D. Pelton and P. Wu, Thermodynamic Modeling in Glass-forming Melts , J. Noncrystalline Solids, 253, 178-191 (1999).
[2017] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Calculation of Gas Solubilities in Oxide Melts and Glasses", Glastechnische Berichte, 72, 214-226 (1999).
[2018] E. Jak, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton & P.C. Hayes, "Coupled Experimental and Thermodynamic Study of the Zn-Fe-Si-O System", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32B, 793-800 (2001).
[2019] S. Decterov, E. Jak, P. Hayes and A.D. Pelton, "Experimental Study of Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Fe-Zn-O System", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32B, 643-658 (2001).
[2020] S.A. Decterov, I.-H. Jung and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the FeO-Fe2O3-MgO-SiO2 System", J. Am. Ceramic Soc., 85, 2903-2910 (2002).
[2021] P. Coursol, A.D. Pelton and M. Zamalloa, "Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of the Cu2O-CaO-Na2O System in Equilibrium with Copper", Met. & Mat. Trans., 34B, 631-638 (2003).
[2022] V. Swamy, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ge-Si-O-Cl-H System", Glass Science and Technology, 76 (2), 62‑70 (2003).
[2023] I.-H. Jung, Y.-B Kang, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the MnO-Al2O3 and MnO-Al2O3-SiO2 Systems", Met. & Mat. Trans., 35B, 259-268 (2004).
[2024] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton, H.-M. Kim and Y.-B. Kang, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Modeling of the Fe-Co-O System", Acta Mat., 52[2], 507-519 (2004).
[2025] S.A. Decterov, I.-H. Jung, E. Jak, Y.-B. Kang, P. Hayes and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the Al2O3-CaO-CoO-CrO-Cr2O3-FeO-Fe2O3-MgO-MnO-NiO2-SiO2-S System and Applications in Ferrous Process Metallurgy, Proc. VII Int'l. Conference on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, South African Inst. Mining & Metallurgy, Johannesburg, pp 839-849, (2004).
[2026] Y.-B. Kang, I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton and H.-G. Lee, "Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamic Properties of the CaO-MnO-Al2O3-SiO2 System by Critical Evaluation, Modeling and Experiment", ISIJ Int'l, 44 [6], 975-983 (2004).
[2027] Y.-B. Kang, I.-H Jung, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton and H.-G. Lee, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the CaO-MnO-SiO2 and CaO-MnO-Al2O3 Systems", ISIJ Int'l, 44 [6], 965-974 (2004).
[2028] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the MgO-Al2O3, CaO-MgO-Al2O3 and MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 Systems", J. Phase Equilibria, 25, 329-345 (2004).
[2029] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the MgO-Al2O3-CrO-Cr2O3 System", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 88 [7], 1921-1928 (2005).
[2030] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the Fe-Mg-O system", J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 65, 1683-1695 (2004).
[2031] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the FeO-Fe2O3-MgO-SiO2 System, Metall. and Mat. Trans. B., 35B, 877-889 (2004).
[2032] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the CaO-MgO-SiO2 System", J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 25, 313-333 (2005).
[2033] Y.-B. Kang, I.-H. Jung and H.-G. Lee, "Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the MnO-"TiO2"-"Ti2O3 System, Calphad, 30, 235-247 (2006).
[2034] Y.-B. Kang, I.-H. Jung and H.-G. Lee, "Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the MnO-SiO2"TiO2"-"Ti2O3 System, Calphad, 30, 226-234 (2006).
[2035] I.-H. Jung, "Critical evaluation and thermodynamic modeling of the Mn-Cr-O system for the oxidation of SOFC interconnect", Solid State Ionics, 177, 765-777 (2006).
[2036] Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic Modeling of oxide Phases in the Mn-O System", Metall. Mater Trans E, 3E, 156 (2016).
[2037] Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Oxide Phases in the Fe-Mn-O System", J. Phys. Chem Solids, 98, 237 (2016).
[2038] Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, "Critical Evaluations and Thermodynamic Optimizations of the MnO-Mn2O3-SiO2 and FeO-Fe2O3-MnO-Mn2O3-SiO2 Systems, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 48B, 1721 (2017).
[2039] Y.-B. Kang and A. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Model and Databases for Gaseous Species in Molten Oxide Slags", (to be published in Proc. Int l Sympos. Molten Salts and Slags, Santiago, 2009).
[2040] Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Pyrometallurgical Oxide Systems Containing Mn Oxides , (to be published in Proc. Int l Sympos. Molten Salts and Slags, Santiago, 2009).
[2041] I.-H. Jung, unpublished research.
[2042] I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic Modeling of Gas Solubility In Molten Slags (I) -Carbon and Nitrogen , ISIJ Int., 46, 1577-1586 (2006).
[2043] I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic Modeling of Gas Solubility In Molten Slags (I) -Water, ISIJ Int. , 46, 1587-1593 (2006).
[2044] S.A. Decterov, V. Swamy and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic Modeling of B2O3-SiO2 and B2O3-Al2O3 Systems", Int. J. Mat. Res. 98, 987-994 (2007).
[2045] S.A. Decterov et al., Thermodynamic optimization of the Al2O3-B2O3-CaO-MgO-SiO2 system , unpublished research.
[2046] S.A. Decterov et al., Thermodynamic optimization of the B2O3-Na2O-SiO2 system , unpublished research.
[2047] E. Jak, P. Hayes, A. D. Pelton and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic modeling of the Al2O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-PbO-SiO2-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications , Proc. VIII Int l Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Santiago, Chile, pp. 473-490 (2009).
[2048] A. N. Grundy, H. Liu, I.-H. Jung, S. A. Decterov and A. D. Pelton, Linking Thermodynamics, Structure and Viscosity of Alumosilicate Melts , In: Computational Thermodynamics and Phase Transformations, Eds. Corbett Battaile and James R. Morris, TMS (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society), USA, pp. 47-56 (2007).
[2049] Kim W.-Y., A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "Modeling the Viscosity of Silicate Melts Containing Lead Oxide". Metall. Mater. Trans., 43B, 325-336 (2012).
[2050] E. Jak, P. Hayes, A. Pelton and S. Decterov, Thermodynamic optimisation of the FeO-Fe2O3‑SiO2 (Fe-O-Si) system with FactSage , Int l. J. Mat. Res., 9, 847-54 (2007).
[2051] I.-H. Jung, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic modeling of the CoO-SiO2 and CoO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 systems , Int l. J. Mat. Res., 9, 816-825 (2007).
[2052] S.A. Decterov, A. N. Grundy, I.-H. Jung and A.D. Pelton, Modeling the Viscosity of Aluminosilicate Melts , In: Computational Methods in Science and Engineering, (Proc. Int. Conf. on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering), AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings, Vol. 963, Issue 2, Pt B, Eds. T. E. Simos and G. Maroulis, pp. 404-407 (2007).
[2053] S. A. Decterov, A. N. Grundy and A. D. Pelton, A Model and Database for the Viscosity of Molten Slags , Proc. VIII Int l Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Santiago, Chile, pp. 423-431 (2009).
[2054] S.-C. Park, I.-H. Jung, K.-S. Oh and H.-G. Lee, "Effect of Al on the Evolution of Non-metallic Inclusions in Mn-Si-Ti-Mg Deoxidized Steel During Solidification: Experiments and Thermodynamic Calculations", ISIJ Int., 46, 1016-1023 (2006).
[2055] V. Swamy, I.-H. Jung and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic modeling of the Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 system , J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 355 (34-36), 1679-1686 (2009).
[2056] S. Arnout, M. Guo, I.-H. Jung, B. Blanpain and P. Wollants, Experimental determination of CaO-CrO-Cr2O3-MgO-SiO2 and thermodynamic modeling of the CrO-Cr2O3-MgO-SiO2 system , J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2009, vol. 92, pp. 1831-1839.
[2057] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic database development Modeling and Phase Diagram Calculation in Oxide Systems", Rare Metals, 25, 473-480 (2006).
[2059] In-Ho Jung, Gunnar Eriksson, Ping Wu and Arthur Pelton, Thermodynamic Modeling of the Al2O3-Ti2O3-TiO2 System and its Applications to the Fe-Al-Ti-O Inclusion Diagram , ISIJ, 49, 1290-97 (2009).
[2062] W.-Y. Kim, X. Yang, L. Yan, A. D. Pelton and S. A. Decterov, Modeling Viscosity of Silicate Melts Containing Zinc Oxide , Calphad, 35, 542-550 (2011).
[2063] V. Prostakova, J. Chen, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Experimental study and thermodynamic optimization of the CaO-NiO, MgO-NiO and NiO-SiO2 systems , Calphad, 37, 1-10 (2012).
[2064] D. Shishin and S. A. Decterov, Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of Cu-O and Cu-O-S systems , Calphad, 38, 59-70 (2012).
[2065] E. Jak, P. C. Hayes, A. D. Pelton and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic modelling of the Al2O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-PbO-SiO2-ZnO system with addition of K and Na with metallurgical applications , IMM Transactions Section C: Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy, submitted.
[2066] V. Prostakova, J. Chen, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Experimental study and thermodynamic optimization of the MgO-NiO-SiO2 system , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 62, 43-55 (2013).
[2067] J. Chen, V. Prostakova, P. C. Hayes, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak, High temperature phase equilibria in nickel-containing oxide and silicate systems relevant to ferro-nickel production , Proc. International Ferroalloy Congress INFACON XIII, Almaty, Kazakhstan (2013), pp. 723-732 (2013).
[2068] Youn-Bae Kang, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the VO-VO2.5 System , J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 32, 3187-3198 (2012).
[2070] G. Lambotte, Mod lisation Thermodynamique du syst me AlF3-NaF- SiF4-Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 , Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (2012).
[2071] G. Lambotte and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic modeling of the (Al2O3+Na2O), (Al2O3+Na2O+SiO2) and (Al2O3+Na2O+AlF3+NaF) systems , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 57, 306-334 (2013).
[2072] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari and I.-H. Jung, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3 System , Metall. Mater. Trans. B., 47, 576-594 ( 2016).
[2073] Sourav Panda and In-Ho Jung, Comment on "Some Thermodynamic Aspects of the Oxides of Chromium" by A. Mittal, G. J. Albertsson, G.S. Gupta, S. Seetharaman, and S. Subramanian , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, Communication paper, 46, 5-6 (2015).
[2074] Hudon and In-Ho Jung, "Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the CaO-P2O5 system", Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 46, 494-522 (2015).
[2075] Sourav Panda and In-Ho Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic modeling of the Mg-Mn-O (MgO-MnO-MnO2) system , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 2014, vol. 97, pp. 3328-3340.
[2076] Marie-Aline Van Ende, and In-Ho Jung, Development of a thermodynamic database for mold flux and applications to the continuous casting process , ISIJ Inter. Vol. 54, 2014, pp. 489-495.
[2077] Saikat Chatterjee and In-Ho Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic modeling of the Al-Mn-O (Al2O3-MnO-Mn2O3) system , J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., vol. 34, 2014, 1611-1621.
[2078] Miftaur Rahman, Pierre Hudon and In-Ho Jung, A coupled experimental study and thermodynamic modeling of the SiO2-P2O5 system , Metall. Mater. Trans., B, 2013, vol. 44, pp 837-852.
[2079] In-Ho Jung, Pierre Hudon, Wan-Yi Kim, Marie-Aline van Ende, Miftaur Rahman, Gabriel Garcia Curie, Thermodynamic Database of P2O5-containing Oxide Systems for the Dephosphorization Process in Steelmaking , High Temperature Materials and Process, 2013, vol. 32, 247-254.
[2080] I.-H. Jung and Pierre Hudon, Thermodynamic assessment of P2O5 , J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 2012, Vol. 95, pp. 3665-3672.
[2081] D.-G. Kim, C.V. Hoek, C. Liebske, S. van der Laan, M.A. Van Ende and I.-H. Jung, A critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the CaO-CaF2 System , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2012, Vol. 43, pp. 1315-1325.
[2082] D.-G. Kim, C. V. Hoek, C. Liebske, S. van der Laan, P. Hudon and I.-H. Jung, Phase diagram study of the CaO-CaF2 System , ISIJ Inter., 2012, Vol. 52, p. 1945-1950.
[2083] I.-H. Jung and Y. Zhang, Thermodynamic calculations for the dephosphorization of silicon using molten slag , JOM, 2012, pp. 973-981.
[2084] D.-H. Woo, H.-G. Lee and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the NiO-SiO2, MgO-NiO, CaO-NiO-SiO2, MgO-NiO-SiO2, CaO-MgO-NiO and CaO-MgO-NiO-SiO2 systems , J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2011, vol. 31, pp. 43-59.
[2085] I.-H. Jung and Y.-B. Kang, Comment on "Thermodynamic modelling of an Al2O3-MnO system using the ionic model" by A. B. Farina and F. B. Neto , Calphad, 2011, vol. 35(2), pp. 255-257.
[2086] D. Nassyrov and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the CaO-FetO-CaF2 system for application in electro slag remelting , 4th Inter. Symp on High-Temperature Metallurgical Processing - TMS 2013, pp. 425-433.
[2087] E. M. Khoonsari and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic modeling of sulfide capacity in Na2O-FetO-SiO2 system", 5th International Conference on Science and Technology of Steelmaking 2012, Dresden, 2012.
[2088] D.-G. Kim, M.-A. Van Ende, C. van Hoek, C. Liebske, S. van der Laan, P. Hudon and I.-H. Jung, Coupled phase diagram and thermodynamic modeling of the CaO-CaF2 System , Molten12, Beijing, China, 2012.
[2089] I.-H. Jung, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Physico-chemical modeling of slag and mattes for Ni and Co production", Pyrometallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt, 2009, pp. 317-328.
[2090] I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic modeling of CaF2 containing system and its applications to steelmaking process", Asia Steel, 2009, paper # S3-30.
[2092] V. Prostakova, J. Chen, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Experimental investigation and thermodynamic modeling of the NiO-CaO-SiO2, NiO-CaO-MgO and NiO-CaO-MgO-SiO2 systems , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 86, 130-142 (2015).
[2093] D. Shishin, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-O-S system , J. Phase Equil. Diff., 36 (3), 224-240 (2015).
[2094] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic Reevaluation of the Fe-O System , Calphad, 48, 131-144 (2015).
[2095] C. A. Becker, J. gren, M. Baricco, Q. Chen, S. A. Decterov, U. R. Kattner, J. H. Perepezko, G. R. Pottlacher and M. Selleby, Thermodynamic modelling of liquids: CALPHAD approaches and contributions from statistical physics , Phys. Status Solidi B 251 (1), 33-52 (2014).
[2096] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak, Experimental study and thermodynamic re-evaluation of the FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, submitted (2013).
[2097] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak, Thermodynamic optimization of the CaO-FeO-Fe2O3 system , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 47B (1), 256-281 (2016).
[2098] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak, Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 system , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, accepted (2013).
[2099] D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu-Fe-O system , Calphad, 41, 160-179 (2013).
[2100] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin, S. A. Decterov, P. Hayes and E. Jak, Integrated experimental and modelling research on copper-making slags , Proc. COM 2014, Bill Davenport Symposium, Vancouver, BC, Canada (Sep. 28 Oct. 1, 2014), accepted.
[2101] T. Hidayat, D. Shishin and S. A. Decterov, E. Jak, A thermodynamic optimization of the Cu2O -containing slag system and its applications in high-temperature copper making processes, Copper Int. Conf, Copper 2013, The Nickolas Themelis Symposium On Copper Pyrometallurgy And Process Engineering, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 2013, Paper PY15.
[2102] J. Chen, V. Prostakova, P. C. Hayes, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak, High temperature phase equilibria in nickel-containing oxide and silicate systems relevant to ferro-nickel production , Proc. International Ferroalloy Congress INFACON XIII, Almaty, Kazakhstan, pp. 723-732 (2013).
[2103] J. Chen, V. Prostakova, E. Jak, S. A. Decterov, Development of NiO-CaO-MgO-SiO2 thermodynamic database using experimental and thermodynamic modelling approaches with focus on NiO-MgO-SiO2 and NiO-CaO-SiO2 systems , Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts (MOLTEN12), Beijing, China, May 2012, paper W073, 11 pp.
[2104] E. Brosh, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part V: Borosilicate melts containing alkali oxides". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 537-550 (2012).
[2105] W.-Y. Kim, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part III: Modification of the model for melts containing alkali oxides". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 313-328 (2012).
[2106] E. Brosh, A.D. Pelton and S.A. Decterov, "A Model to Calculate the Viscosity of Silicate Melts. Part IV: Borosilicate melts". Int. J. Mat. Res., 103, 494-501 (2012).
[2108] S. Kown, Thermodynamic Optimization of ZrO2-Containing Systems in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-ZrO2 System , Master s thesis, McGill University, Montreal, Canada (2015).
[2109] S. Kwon and I.-H. Jung, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the CaO-ZrO2 and SiO2-ZrO2 Systems , J. European Ceramic Soc., 37 (2017) pp. 1105-1116.
[2110] S. Kwon, W.-Y. Kim, P. Hudon, and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the CaO-SiO2-ZrO2 system coupled with key phase diagram experiments J. European Ceramic Soc., 37 (2017) pp. 1095-1104.
[2111] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari, and In-Ho Jung, A coupled experimental phase diagram study and thermodynamic optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3 system: Part 2. Thermodynamic optimization , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 99, 715-722 (2016)
[2112] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari, P. Hudon, and I.-H. Jung, A coupled experimental phase diagram study and thermodynamic optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3 system: Part 1. Experimental phase diagram study , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 99, 705-714 (2016).
[2113] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari and I.-H. Jung, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2 System , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 47, 291-308 (2016).
[2114] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari and I.-H. Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Na2O-FeO-Fe2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 system , J. Euro. Ceram. Soc, 37, 787-800 (2017).
[2115] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic Modeling of Sulfide Capacity of Na2O-Containing Oxide Melts , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 47, 2875-2888 (2016).
[2116] I.-H. Jung, and E. Moosavi-Khoonsari, Limitation of sulfide capacity concept for molten slags , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 47, 819-823 (2016).
[2117] Pierre Hudon and In-Ho Jung, "Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the CaO-P2O5 system", Metall. Mater. Trans. B, Vol. 46, 2015, pp 494-522.
[2118] D.-G. Kim, B. Konar, and I.-H. Jung, Coupled Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Optimization of the K2O-MgO and K2O-MgO-SiO2 Systems , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2017, Vol. 48, pp 2788-2803.
[2119] B. Konar, P. Hudon, and I.-H. Jung, Experimental investigation of the LiAlSi2O6-MgSiO3 and LiAlSi2O6-CaMgSi2O6 isopleths at 1 atm , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 2017, vol. 100, pp. 3269-3282
[2120] B. Konar, D.-G. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Coupled phase diagram experiments and thermodynamic optimization of the binary Li2O-MgO and Li2O-CaO systems and ternary Li2O-MgO-CaO system , Ceramic Inter., 2017, Vol. 43, no. 16, Nov., pp. 13055-13062.
[2121] D.-G. Kim, M.-A. Van Ende, P. Hudon, and I.-H. Jung, Coupled Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Optimization of the K2O-SiO2 System , Jounal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2017, vol. 471, pp. 51-64.
[2122] Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, Critical Evaluations and Thermodynamic Optimizations of the MnO-Mn2O3-SiO2 and FeO-Fe2O3-MnO-Mn2O3-SiO2 Systems , Metall. Mater. Trans B, 2017, vol. 48, 1721-1735.
[2123] B. Konar, M.-A. Van Ende, and I.-H. Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Li-O, and Li2O-SiO2 systems , J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., Vol. 37, pp. 2189-2207, 2017. (Feature article)
[2124] B. Konar, M.-A. Van Ende and I.-H. Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Li2O-Al2O3 and Li2O-MgO-Al2O3 systems , Metall. Mater. Trans B, 2018, vol. 49, pp. 2917-2944.
[2125] D.-G. Kim, B. Konar, and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic optimization of the K2O- Al2O3-SiO2 system , Ceramics International, 2018, 44(14), pp. 16712-16724.
[2126] D.-G. Kim, E. Moosavi, and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic Modeling of the K2O-Al2O3 and K2O-MgO-Al2O3 Systems with Emphasis on β- and βʹʹ-Aluminas , J. Euro, Ceram. Soc, 2018, vol. 38, pp. 3188-3200.
[2127] B. Konar, D.-G Kim and I.-H. Jung, Coupled experimental phase diagram study and thermodynamic optimization of the Li2O-MgO-SiO2 system , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc, 2018, vol. 101, pp. 1711-1726.
[2128] B. Konar, P. Hudon and I.-H. Jung, Coupled experimental phase diagram study and thermodynamic modeling of the Li2O-Na2O-SiO2 system , J. Euro, Ceram. Soc, 2018, vol. 38, pp 2074-2089.
[2129] Bikram Konar, Dong-Geun Kim and In-Ho Jung, Critical thermodynamic optimization of the Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 system and its application for the thermodynamic analysis of the glass-ceramics , J. Euro, Ceram. Soc, 2018, vol. 38, pp 3881-3904.
[2130] A. Shukla, I.-H. Jung, S.A. Decterov, and A. Pelton, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the BaO-SiO2 and BaO-CaO-SiO2 systems , Calphad, 2018, vol. 61, pp. 140-147.
[2131] W. Xie, S. Wei, P. Hudon, I.-H. Jung, Z. Qiao, Z. Cao, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic assessment of the R2O-P2O5 (R = Li, Na and K) systems , Calphad, Volume 68, 101718.
[2132] Dong-Geun Kim, Coupled Experimental Study and Thermodynamic Optimization of the K2O-Na2O-CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 System , PhD thesis, McGill University, Canada, 2017.
[2133] Bikram Konar, Coupled Thermodynamic Modeling and Experimental study of Li2O-Na2O-MgO-CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 system , PhD thesis, McGill University, Canada, 2017.
[2134] B. Konar and I.-H. Jung, A coupled phase diagram experiment and thermodynamic optimization of the Li2O-CaO-SiO2 and Li2O-CaO-Al2O3 systems, and the prediction of the phase diagrams of the Li2O-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3 system , J. Euro. Ceram. Soc., 40, 2185-2199 (2020).
[2135] D. Shishin and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic assessment and database for the Cu-Fe-O-S system , Calphad, 50, 144-160 (2015).
[2136] D. Shishin, Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Copper Smelting and Converting (Ph. D. thesis), Polytechnique Montreal, 2013.
[2137] D. Shishin, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic assessment of slag-matte-metal equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 39, 456-475 (2018).
[2138] D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, A Fallah-Mehrjardi, P. C. Hayes, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak Integrated experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO on slag matte equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) system. J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 40, 445-461 (2018).
[2139] V. Prostakova, Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Nickel-Containing Oxide Systems for Simulation of Nickel Extraction from Laterite Ores (Ph. D. thesis), Polytechnique Montreal, 2013.
[2140] Sourav Panda and In-Ho Jung, Coupled Experimental Study and Thermodynamic
Modeling of the Fe-Mn-Ti-O System , Metals and Materials Inter., (2020),
[2141] Sourav Panda and In-Ho Jung, Coupled Experimental Study and Thermodynamic
Modeling of the MgO-MnO-Mn2O3-Ti2O3-TiO2 System , J. Phase Equilibria and
Diffusion, (2020), vol. 41, pp. 103-115.
[2142] Sourav Panda and In-Ho Jung, Coupled experimental study and thermodynamic modeling
of the Al2O3-Ti2O3-TiO2 system , ISIJ Inter. (2020), vol. 60, pp. 31-41
[2143] Sourav Panda, Pierre Hudon, In-Ho Jung, Coupled experimental study and thermodynamic
modeling of the MnO-Mn2O3-Ti2O3-TiO2 system , Calphad, Vol. 66, (2019), 101639.
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[2146] A.T. Phan, A.E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Modelling of phase equilibria of LiFePO4‐
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[2147] L. Jin, J. Wang, S. Rousselot, M. Doll , P. Chartrand, Experimental and Thermodynamic Study of Li-O and Li2O-P2O5 Systems , Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering (2019), 97(8), 2234-2241.
salt systems
[3001] A.D. Pelton, A. Gabriel and J. Sangster, "Liquidus Measurements and Coupled Thermodynamic-Phase Diagram Analysis of the NaCl‑KCl System", J. Chem. Soc., Farad. Trans. I, 81(5), 1167‑1172 (1985).
[3002] J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Properties of the 70 Binary Alkali Halide Systems Having Common Ions", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 16(3), 509‑61 (1987).
[3003] Y. Dessureault, J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "Coupled Phase Diagram-Thermodynamic Analysis of the 24 Binary Systems A2CO3‑AX and A2SO4‑AX where A = Li, Na, K and X = Cl, F, NO3, OH", J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 19(5), 1149-1178 (1990).
[3004] Y. Dessureault, J. Sangster et A.D. Pelton, "Evaluation Critique des Donn es Thermodynamiques et des Diagrammes de Phases des Syst mes AOH‑AX, ANO3‑AX, ANO3‑BNO3, AOH‑BOH o A, B = Li, Na, K et X = Cl, F, NO3, OH", J. Chim. Phys., 87(3), 407-453 (1990).
[3005] Y. Dessureault, J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "Coupled Phase Diagram/Thermodynamic Analysis of the 9 Common‑ion Binary Systems Involving the Carbonates and Sulfates of Li, Na and K", J. Electrochem. Soc., 137(9), 2941-50 (1990).
[3006] J. Sangster and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Calculation of Phase Diagrams of the 60 Common-Ion Ternary Systems Containing Cations Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs and Anions F, Cl, Br, I", J. Phase Equilibria, 12(5), 511-537 (1991).
[3007] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the LiCl-NaCl-KCl-RbCl-CsCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-SrCl2 System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model", Canad. Metall. Quart., 39(4), 405-420 (2000).
[3008] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the LiCl-NaCl-KCl-RbCl-CsCl-MgCl2-CaCl2 System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1361-83 (2001).
[3009] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the LiF-NaF-KF-MgF2-CaF2 System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1385-96 (2001).
[3010] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca//F, Cl Reciprocal System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model", Met. & Mat. Trans., 32A, 1417-30 (2001).
[3011] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the LiCl-NaCl-KCl-RbCl-CsCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-SrCl2-BaCl2 System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model", Canad. Metall. Quart., 40(1), 13-32 (2000).
[3012] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "A Predictive Thermodynamic Model for the Al-NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 System", Light Metals 2002, 245-252 (2002).
[3013] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the MgCl2-CaCl2-MnCl2-FeCl2-CoCl2-NiCl2 System", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 36(9), 793-808 (2004).
[3014] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2-MnCl2-FeCl2-CoCl2-NiCl2 System", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 36(9), 809-28 (2004).
[3015] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the NaCl-KCl-AlCl3 System", J. Chem. Thermodyn., 36(8), 683-699 (2004).
[3016] C. Robelin, Master s Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, 1997.
[3017] J. Sangster, Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams of 32 Binary Common-Ion Systems of the Group Li,Na,K,Rb,Cs//F,Cl,Br,I,OH,NO3 , J. Phase Equilibria, 21(3), 241-68 (2000).
[3018] S. Yimin, PhD Thesis, Beijing Univ. Science and Technology (1999).
[3019] E. Shibata, Unpublished work (2001).
[3020] P. Coursol, A.D. Pelton, P. Chartrand and M. Zamalloa,"The CaSO4-Na2SO4-CaO Phase Diagram", Canadian Metall. Quarterly, 44, 537-546 (2005).
[3021] P. Coursol, A.D. Pelton, P. Chartrand and M. Zamalloa, Award for Best Paper in 2005 "The CaSO4-CaO-Ca3(AsO4)2 Phase Diagram", Canadian Metall. Quarterly, 44, 547-553 (2005).
[3022] P. Coursol, A.D. Pelton, P. Chartrand and M. Zamalloa,"The Ca(SO4)-Na2(SO4)-Ca3(AsO4)2-Na3(AsO4) Phase Diagram", Metall. & Mat. Trans., 36B, 825-836 (2005).
[3023] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton,"A Thermodynamic Database for AlCl3-Based Molten Salt Systems", Molten Salts XIV (Proceedings Volume PV 2004-24), R.A. Mantz, P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long, G.R. Stafford, R. Hagiwara and D.A. Costa Editors, pp. 108-121 (2006)
[3024] C. Robelin, G. Eriksson, A.D. Pelton and P. Chartrand, Models for the Thermodynamic Properties, Density and Viscosity of Molten Salts , Proc. VIII Int l Conf. Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts, Santiago (2009).
[3025] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A Density Model Based on the Modified Quasichemical Model and Applied to the NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 Electrolyte , Metal. and Mater. Trans. B., 38B(6), 881-892, 2007.
[3026] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and G. Eriksson, A Density Model for Multicomponent Liquids Based on the Modified Quasichemical Model: Application to the NaCl-KCl-MgCl2-CaCl2 System , Metal. and Mater. Trans. B., 38B(6), 869-879, 2007.
[3027] D. Lindberg, R. Backman and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the NaCl-Na2SO4-Na2CO3-KCl-K2SO4-K2CO3 system , J. Chem. Thermo., 39(7), 1001-1021, 2007. (Fondation Polytechnique).
[3028] D. Lindberg, R. Backman and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Na2S-Na2SO4-Na2CO3-K2S-K2SO4-K2CO3 system , J. Chem. Thermo., 39(6), 942-960, 2007. (Fondation Polytechnique).
[3029] D. Lindberg, R. Backman and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Na2SO4-K2SO4-Na2S2O7-K2S2O7 system , J. Chem. Thermo, 38[12], 1568-1583, 2006.
[3030] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, M. Hupa and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Na-K-S system , J. Chem. Thermo., 38[7], 900-915, 2006.
[3031] M. Heyrman and P. Chartrand, A Thermodynamic Model for the NaF-KF-AlF3-NaCl-KCl-AlCl3 System , Light Metals 2007, ed. M. S rlie, TMS, 519-524, 2007.
[3032] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, Predictive Models for the Density and Viscosity of the NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3 Electrolyte , Light Metals 2007, ed. M. S rlie, TMS, 565-570, 2007.
[3033] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, A Thermodynamic Database for AlCl3-Based Molten Salt Systems , Molten Salts XIV (Proceedings Volume PV 2004-24), R.A. Mantz, P.C. Trulove, H.C. De Long, G.R. Stafford, R. Hagiwara and D.A. Costa Editors, pp.108-121, 2006.
[3034] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, M. Hupa, and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Na2SO4-K2SO4-SO3 System , Proc. 7th International Symposium of Molten Salts Chemistry and Technology, Toulouse, France, pp.773-776, September (2005)
[3035] G. Lambotte and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic optimization of the (Na2O + SiO2 + NaF + SiF4) reciprocal system using the Modified Quasichemical Model in the Quadruplet Approximation , J. Chem. Thermo., 43(11), p.1678-1699, 2011.
[3036] E. Renaud, C. Robelin, A. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Li, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr // F, Cl reciprocal system , J. Chem. Thermo., 43(8), p.1286-1298, 2011.
[3037] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A viscosity model for the (NaF + AlF3 + CaF2 + Al2O3) electrolyte , J. Chem. Thermo., 43(5), p.764-774, 2011.
[3038] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (NaCl + KCl + MgCl2 + CaCl2 + ZnCl2) system , J. Chem. Thermo., 43(3), p.377-391, 2011.
[3039] E. Renaud, C. Robelin, M. Heyrman and P, Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (LiF + NaF + KF + MgF2 + CaF2 + SrF2) system , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 41(5), 666-682, 2009.
[3040] G. Lambotte and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Al2O3-SiO2-AlF3-SiF4 Reciprocal System Using the Modified Quasichemical Model , J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 94, 4000-4008 (2011).
[3041] G. Lambotte, Mod lisation Thermodynamique du syst me AlF3-NaF- SiF4-Al2O3-Na2O-SiO2 , Ph.D. Thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (2012).
[3042] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the (NaF + AlF3 + CaF2 + BeF2 + Al2O3 + BeO) System , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 57, 387-403 (2013).
[3043] G. Lambotte and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic modeling of the (Al2O3+Na2O), (Al2O3+Na2O+SiO2) and (Al2O3+Na2O+AlF3+NaF) systems , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 57, 306-334 (2013).
[3044] C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (NaF + AlF3 + CaF2 + BeF2 + Al2O3 + BeO) system , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 57, 387-403 (2013).
[3045] P. Ouzilleau, C. Robelin and P. Chartrand, A Density Model Based on the Modified Quasichemical Model and Applied to the (NaCl + KCl + ZnCl2) Liquid , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 47, 171-176 (2012).
[3046] P. Chartrand, F. Gemme and C. Robelin, A Thermodynamic Model for the NH4+, K+ // H2PO4-, H2P2O72-, NO3-, Cl- - H2O System , 2nd Int l Symposium on Innovation and Technology in the Phosphate Industry [SYMPHOS 2013] (Agadir), Procedia Engineering, 83, 250-258 (2014).
[3047] C. Robelin, P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the (NaNO3 + KNO3 + Na2SO4 + K2SO4) System , accepted for publication in J. Chem. Thermodyn. (2014).
[3048] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, P. Chartrand and M. Hupa, Towards a Comprehensive Thermodynamic Database for Ash-forming Elements in Biomass and Waste Combustion Current Situation and Future Developments , Fuel Processing Technology, 105 (2013) 129-141.
[3049] P. Coursol, G. Dufour, J. C t , P. Chartrand and P. Mackey, Application of Thermodynamic Models for Better Understanding and Optimization of the Hall-Heroult Process , JOM, 64(11), 1326-33, 2012.
[3050] D. Lindberg and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (Ca+C+O+S) system , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 41(10), 1111-1124, 2009.
[3051] E. Renaud, C. Robelin, M. Heyrman and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (LiF + NaF + KF + MgF2 + CaF2 + SrF2) system , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 41(5), 666-682, 2009.
[3052] D. Sergeev, B.H. Reis, M. Ziegener, I. Roslyakova, M. to Baben, K. Hack, M. M ller: Comprehensive analysis of thermodynamic properties of calcium nitrate , Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 134 (2019) 187.
[3053] D. Sergeev, B.H. Reis, I. Dreger, M. to Baben, K. Hack, M. M ller: Thermodynamics of
the Ca(NO3)2 - NaNO3 system , Calphad 67 (2019) 101688.
[3054] A.L. Smith, E. Capelli, R.J.M. Konings and A.E. Gheribi, A new approach for coupled
modelling of the structural and thermo-physical properties of molten salts. Case of a
polymeric liquid LiF-BeF2 , J. Mol. Liq., 299, 112165 (2020).
[3055] K. Wang, C. Robelin, L. Jin, X. Zeng, P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Description of the K,Be//F,Cl Salt System with First-Principles Calculations , J. of Molecular Liquids (2019) 292, 111384.
[3056] P. Chartrand, A.D. Pelton, A thermodynamic model for molten salt-water solutions Application to a thermodynamic optimization of the Ca(NO3)2-KNO3-H2O system , J. Chem. Thermodynamics (2019), 128, 225-243.
[3057] G. Lu, C. Robelin, P. Chartrand, M. He, K. Wang, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (LiCl + NaCl + KCl + MgCl2 + CaCl2 + CeCl3) system , Fluid Phase Equilibria (2019), 487, 83-97.
[3058] K. Wang and P. Chartrand, A thermodynamic description for water, hydrogen fluoride and hydrogen dissolutions in cryolite-base molten salts , Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (2018), 20, 17324-17341.
[3059] F. Desch nes-Allard, C. Robelin, D. Zanghi, S. Bouvet, S. Ory, E. V ron, K. Machado, C. Bessada and P. Chartrand. Experimental and thermodynamic assessment of the fluoride-rich region in the Cu-O-F system. Thermochimica Acta (2018), 663, 194-214.
[4001] C.E. Harvie and J.H. Weare, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 44, 981 (1980).
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[4003] P. Chartrand and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Diagrams of the Al-Mg, Al-Sr, Mg-Sr and Al-Mg-Sr Systems", J. Phase Equilibria, 15, 591-605 (1994). (Awarded Prize for Best Paper Written by a Student.)
[4004] M.-C. Heuzey and A.D. Pelton, "Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Thermodynamic Properties of Liquid Tin Solutions", Metall. Trans., 27B, 810-828 (1996).
[4005] S.A. Decterov, J. L'Ecuyer and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Optimization of the Se-As System", J. Phase Equilibria, 18, 357-368 (1997).
[4006] F. Kongoli, Y. Dessureault and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Liquid Fe-Ni-Co-Cu-S Mattes", Met. Trans.,29B, 591-601 (1998).
[4007] S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Lead Distribution Among Matte, Slag and Liquid Copper", Metall. Mat. Trans., 30B, 1033-1044(1999).
[4008] S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, A Thermodynamic Database for Copper Smelting and Converting , Metall. & Mat. Trans., 30B, 661-670 (1999).
[4009] F. Kongoli and A.D. Pelton, "Model Prediction of Thermodynamic Properties of Co- Fe- Ni- S Mattes", Metall. Trans., 30B, 443-450 (1999).
[4010] S.A.Decterov, Y. Dessureault and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Zinc Distribution among Matte, Slag and Liquid Copper", Canad. Metall. Quart., 39, 43-54 (2000).
[4011] M. Pich , A.D. Pelton and C. Brochu, "A Thermodynamic Database for Magnesium Alloys", Proc. "Magnesium Technology 2003", TMS Meeting, San Diego, May 2003, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA., pp 295-298(2003).
[4012] P. Waldner and A.D.Pelton, "Thermodynamic Assessment of the Fe-Ni-S System", Metall. and Mat. Trans., 35B, 897-907 (2004).
[4013] P. Waldner and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the Ni-S System", Z. Metallkunde, 95, 672-681 (2004).
[4014] I.-H. Jung, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "A Thermodynamic Model for Deoxidation Equilibria in Steel", Met. & Mat. Trans., 35B, 493-508 (2004).
[4015] P. Waldner and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the Fe-S System", J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 26, 23-38 (2005).
[4016] Y. Dessureault, Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (1993).
[4017] M.-P. Paquin, M.Sc.App. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (2003).
[4018] P. Waldner, internal reports, to be published.
[4019] Y.-B. Kang, "Critical evaluations and thermodynamic optimizations of the Mn-S and the Fe-Mn-S systems", Calphad Journal, 34, 232-244 (2010).
[4020] Ye-Jin Kim, Dae-Hee Woo, Henri Gaye, Hae-Geon Lee and You-Bae Kang, Thermodynamics of MnO-SiO2-Al2O3-MnS Liquid Oxysulfide: Experimental and Thermmodynamic Modeling , Metall. Mater. Trans. B., 42B, 535-546 (2011)
[4021] Youn-Bae Kang and Joo Hyun Park, On the Dissolution Behavior of Sulfur in Ternary Silicate Slags , Metall. Mater. Trans. B., 42B, 1211-1217 (2011)
[4022] D. Lindberg and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (Ca+C+O+S) system , J. Chem. Thermodyn., 41, 1111-1124 (2009).
[4023] D. Shishin and S. A. Decterov, Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of Cu-O and Cu-O-S systems , Calphad, 38, 59-70 (2012).
[4024] D. Shishin and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic assessment and database for the Cu-Fe-O-S system , Calphad, 50, 144-160 (2015).
[4025] D. Shishin, Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Copper Smelting and Converting (Ph. D thesis), Polytechnique Montreal, 2013.
[4026] D. Shishin, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-O-S system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 36 (3), 224-240 (2015).
[4027] D. Shishin, E. Jak and S. A. Decterov, Thermodynamic assessment of slag-matte-metal equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 39, 456-475 (2018).
[4028] D. Shishin, T. Hidayat, A Fallah-Mehrjardi, P. C. Hayes, S. A. Decterov and E. Jak Integrated experimental and thermodynamic modelling study of the effects of Al2O3, CaO and MgO on slag matte equilibria in the Cu-Fe-O-S-Si-(Al, Ca, Mg) system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 40, 445-461 (2018).
[4029] Rongxun Piao, Hae-Geon Lee, and Youn-Bae Kang, "Activity Measurement of the CaS- MnS Sulfide Solution and Thermodynamic Modeling of the CaO-MnO-Al2O3-CaS-MnS-Al2S3 System", ISIN Int., 53, 2132, (2013).
[4030] Youngkyu Jo, Hae-Geon Lee, and Youn-Bae Kang,"Thermodynamics of the MnO-FeO MnS-FeS-SiO2 System at SiO2 Saturation under Reducing Condition: Immiscibility in the Liquid Phase", ISIJ Int.,53, 751, (2013).
[4031] V. Prostakova, D. Shishin and E. Jak Thermodynamic optimization of the As-S system , Calphad, 72 (2021), doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2020.102235.
[4032] V. Prostakova, D. Shishin and E. Jak Thermodynamic optimization of the Cu-As-S system , Calphad, 72 (2021), doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2020.102247.
[4033] D. Shishin, J. Chen, T. Hidayat and E. Jak Thermodynamic modelling of the Pb-As and Cu-Pb-As systems supported by experimental study , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 40, 758 767 (2019).
[4034] D. Shishin and E. Jak Critical assessment and thermodynamic modeling of the Cu-As system , Calphad, 60, 134-143 (2018).
[4035] D. Shishin, J. Chen and E. Jak Thermodynamic Modeling of the Pb-S and Cu-Pb-S Systems with Focus on Lead Refining Conditions , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 41, 218-233 (2020).
[4036] O. Kidari and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Ag-As-S system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, (2023) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11669-023-01040-4
[4037] M. S. Hosseini and P. Chartrand. Critical assessment of thermodynamic properties of important polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compounds (PAHs) in coal tar pitch at typical temperature ranges of the carbonization process . Calphad: Computer Coupling of Phase Diagrams and Thermochemistry, 74, 25 pages (2021).
[4038] M.S. Hosseini and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamics and phase relationship of carbonaceous mesophase appearing during coal tar pitch carbonization , Fuel (2020), 275: 177899.
[4501] A. Shukla, Y.-B. Kang and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Si-Zn, Mn-Si, Mg-Si-Zn and Mg-Mn-Si systems , Calphad, 32, 470-477 (2008).
[4502] A. Shukla and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Al-Mn and Mg-Al-Mn Systems , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 30, 28-29 (2009).
[4503] A. Shukla, Y.-B. Kang and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ce-Si, Y-Si, Mg-Ce-Si and Mg-Y Systems , Int l. J. of Materials Research, 100, 208-217 (2009).
[4504] P. Spencer, A.D. Pelton, Y.-B. Kang, P. Chartrand and C.D. Fuerst, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Ca-Zn, Sr-Zn, Y-Zn, and Ce-Zn Systems , Calphad Journal, 32, 423-431 (2008).
[4505] Youn-Bae Kang, Celil Aliravci, Philip J. Spencer, Gunnar Eriksson, Carlton D. Fuerst, Patrice Chartrand and Arthur D. Pelton, Thermodynamic and Volumetric Databases and Software for Magnesium Alloys , J. of Metals, 61, 75-82 (2009).
[4506] Y.-B. Kang, A.D. Pelton, P. Chartrand and C.D. Fuerst, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Al-Ce, Al-Y, Al-Sc and Mg-Sc Systems , Calphad Journal, 32, 413-422 (2008).
[4507] Youn-Bae Kang, Arthur D. Pelton, Patrice Chartrand, Philip Spencer and Carlton D. Fuerst, "Thermodynamic Database Development of the Mg-Ce-Mn-Y system for Mg Alloy Design", Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 38A, 1231-43 (2007).
[4508] Youn-Bae Kang, Arthur D. Pelton, Patrice Chartrand, Philip Spencer and Carlton D. Fuerst, "Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic Optimization of the Binary Systems in the Mg-Ce-Mn-Y System", Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 28, 342-54 (2007)
[4509] A. Pisch, N. Jakse, A. Pasturel, J.-P. Harvey, P. Chartrand, Structural stability in the Al-Li-Si system , Applied Physics Letters, 90(25), 251902/1-251902/3 (2007).
[4510] M. Heyrman and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the Ca-Si System , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 27 [3], 220-230 (2006).
[4511] A. Shukla, Y.-B. Kang and A.D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Assessment of the Si-Zn, Mn-Si, Mg-Si-Zn and Mg-Mn-Si systems , Calphad, 32, 470-477 (2008).
[4512] D. Kevorkov, M. Medraj, J. Li, E. Essadiqi, and P. Chartrand, The 400oC Isothermal Section of the Mg-Al-Ca System . Intermetallics, 18(8), p. 1498-1506 (2010).
[4513] Y.-B. Kang, L. Jin, I.-H. Jung, A.D. Pelton, P. Chartrand and C.D. Fuerst, "Thermodynamic Database Development for Mg Alloys with RE Elements and Applications to Mg Alloy Design", Magnesium Technology 2010, 359-364 (2010).
[4514] I.-H. Jung, S.A. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "A Thermodynamic Model for Deoxidation Equilibria in Steel", Met. & Mat. Trans., 35B, 493-508 (2004). P. Waldner and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling of the Fe-S System", J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 26, 23-38 (2005) .
[4515] Y. Dessureault, Ph.D. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (1993).
[4516] M.-P. Paquin, M.Sc.App. thesis, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal (2003)
[4517] L. Jin, Y.-B. Kang, P. Chartrand and C.D. Fuerst, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of Al-La, Al-Ce, Al-Pr, Al-Nd and Al-Sm systems using the Modified Quasichemical Model for liquids , CALPHAD, 35(1), p.30-41 (2011).
[4518] L. Jin, Y.-B. Kang, P. Chartrand and C.D. Fuerst, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of Al-Gd, Al-Tb, Al-Dy, Al-Ho and Al-Er systems using a Modified Quasichemical Model for the liquid , CALPHAD, 34(4), p.456-466 (2010).
[4519] J.-P. Harvey and P. Chartrand, Modeling the Hydrogen Solubility in Liquid Aluminum Alloys , Metallurgical and Materials Transactions. B, 41(4), p. 908-924 (2010).
[4520] Y.-B. Kang, L. Jin, P. Chartrand, A. E. Gheribi, K. Bai and P. Wu, Thermodynamic evaluations and optimizations of binary Mg-light Rare-Earth (La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) Systems , CALPHAD, 38, 100-116 (2012).
[4521] Y-N. Zhang, D. Kevorkov, X.D. Liu, F. Bridier, P. Chartrand and M. Medraj, Homogeneity range and crystal structure of the Ca2Mg5Zn13 compound , J. Alloys and Compounds, 523, 75-82 (2012).
[4522] D. Kevorkov, Y.-N. Zhang, K. Shabnam, P. Chartrand, and M. Medraj, Experimental investigation of the phase equilibria of the Al-Ca-Zn system at 623K , J. Alloys and Compounds, 539, 97-102 (2012).
[4523] J. Wang, J. Han, I.-H. Jung, D. Bairros and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic optimization of the binary Li-Sn and the ternary Mg-Sn-Li systems , CALPHAD, 47 (2014), 100-113.
[4524] J. Wang, P. Hudon, D. Kevorkov, P. Chartrand, I.-H. Jung and M. Medraj, Thermodynamic and Experimental Study of the Mg-Sn-Ag-In Quaternary System , Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, Volume 35, Issue 3, (June 2014), pp 284-31.
[4525] J. Wang, P. Hudon, D. Kevorkov, P. Chartrand, I.-H. Jung, M. Medraj, Experimental and thermodynamic study of the Mg-Sn-In-Zn quaternary system , J Alloys Compd., 588 (2014) 75.
[4526] J. Wang, N. Maio, P. Chartrand, I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the (Na + X) binary systems (X = Ag, Ca, In, Sn, Zn) using combined Calphad and first-principles methods of calculation , Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 66 (2013) 22-33.
[4527] A. M. Nasiri, P. Chartrand, D. C. Weckman and Y. Zhou, Thermochemical Analysis of Phases Formed at the Interface of a Mg alloy-Ni plated Steel Joint during Laser Brazing , Metall. and Mater. Trans. A, 44 (2013) 1937-1946.
[4528] L. Jin, D. Kevorkov, M. Medraj and P. Chartrand, Al-Mg-RE (RE: La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm) systems: thermodynamic evaluations and optimizations coupled with key experiments and Miedema's model estimations , Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 58 (2013) 166-195.
[4529] A.E. Gheribi, S. Le Digabel., C. Audet and P. Chartrand. Identifying Optimal Conditions for Magnesium Based Alloy Design Using the Mesh Adaptive Direct Search Algorithm . Thermochimica Acta, 559 (2013) p. 107-110.
[4530] J.-P. Harvey, A.E. Gheribi, and P. Chartrand, Thermodynamic integration based on the classical atomistic simulations to determine the Gibbs free energy of condensed phases: calculation of the aluminum-zirconium system , Phys. Rev. B., 86 (22), 224202 (22 p.), 2012.
[4531] J.-P. Harvey, A.E. Gheribi, and P. Chartrand, On the determination of the glass forming ability of AlxZr1-x alloys using molecular dynamics, monte carlo simulations and classical thermodynamics , J. Applied Physics, 112, 073508, 2012.
[4532] Y.-B. Kang, L. Jin, P. Chartrand, A. E. Gheribi, K. Bai and P. Wu, Thermodynamic evaluations and optimizations of binary Mg-light Rare-Earth (La, Ce, Pr,Nd, Sm) Systems , CALPHAD, 38, 100-116, 2012.
[4533] J.-P. Harvey, A.E. Gheribi and P. Chartrand, Accurate determination of the Gibbs energy of copper-zirconium melts using the thermodynamic integration method in Monte-Carlo simulations , J. Chem. Phys., 135(8), 084502, 2011.
[4534] Marie-Aline Van Ende, Taek-Soo Kim, Yonghwan Kim, In-Ho Jung, "Thermodynamic optimization of the Dy-Nd-Fe-B system and application to the recovery and recycling of rare earth metal from NdFeB magnet", Journal of Green Chemistry, 2014 (submitted).
[4535] Junghwan Kim, Manas Paliwal, Zhou, Hanshin Kim, and In-Ho Jung, Critical systematic evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Mn-RE system (RE = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm and Lu) with key experiments for the Mn-Dy system , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2014, vol. 35, pp. 670-694.
[4536] Junghwan Kim and In-Ho Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Si-RE systems: Part II. Si-RE system (RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu and Y) , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 2015, vol. 81, pp. 273-297.
[4537] Junghwan Kim and In-Ho Jung, Critical evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Si-RE systems: Part I. Si-RE system (RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Sm) , J. Chem. Thermodynamics, 2015, vol. 81, pp. 253-272.
[4538] Senlin Cui, Manas Paliwal and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic Optimization of Ca-Fe-Si System and its Applications to Metallurgical Grade Si-Refining Process , Metall. Mater. Trans. E, 2014 vol. 1, pp. 67-79.
[4539] Magda Zydzik, Meghie Smids, Marie-Aline Van Ende and In-Ho Jung, Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Pb-Pr, Pb-Nd, Pb-Tb and Pb-Dy systems Calphad, vol. 46, 2014, 1-17.
[4540] J.H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of Mn-Y and Mn-Gd systems for application of RE in Mg alloy development , Can. Metall. Quatery, 2013. Vol 53, pp. 312-320.
[4541] B. Konar, J.H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-Sm and Fe-Dy systems , Can. Metall. Quatery, 2013, vol 52, pp. 321-328.
[4542] A. Hussain, M.A. Van Ende, J. H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of Nd-X systems (X = Co, Cu, Ni) , Calphad, 2013, vol. 41, pp. 26-41.
[4543] M.A. Van Ende and I.-H. Jung, Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Fe-B, Fe-Nd, B-Nd and Nd-Fe-B systems , J. Alloy. Compd. 2013, Vol. 548, pp. 133-1542.
[4544] J.H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Critical systematic evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Mn-RE system: RE = La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Sm , J. Alloy. Compd., 2012, vol. 525, pp. 191-201.
[4545] D. Kang and I.-H. Jung, Critical thermodynamic evaluation and optimization of the Ag Zr, Cu Zr and Ag Cu Zr systems and its applications to amorphous Cu Zr Ag alloys , Intermetallics, 2010, vol. 18(5), pp. 815-823.
[4546] I.-H. Jung and J. Kim, Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg-Ge-Si, Mg-Ge-Sn, Mg-Pb-Si and Mg-Pb-Sn systems, J. Alloy. Compd., 2010, vol. 494, pp. 137-147.
[4547] M. Paliwal and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of Al-Bi, Al-Sb, Mg-Al-Bi and Mg-Al-Sb systems , Calphad, 2010, vol. 34, pp. 51-63.
[4548] M. Paliwal and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of Mg-Bi and Mg-Sb systems and short-range-ordering behavior of the liquid solutions , Calphad, 2009, vol. 33, pp. 744-754.
[4549] D. Nassyrov and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg-Ge-Pb system , Calphad, 2009, vol. 33, pp. 521-529.
[4550] I.-H. Jung, Reassessment of the Fe-C-O equilibria , ISIJ Inter., 2009, vol. 49, pp. 1272-1275.
[4551] I.-H. Jung, D.H. Kang, W.J. Park, N. J. Kim and S.H. Ahn, Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg-Si-Sn system , Calphad, 2007, vol. 31, pp. 192-200.
[4552] J.H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic modeling of the Mn-RE systems for the application of RE in Mg alloy development", 7449, 51st Annual Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2012.
[4553] B. Konar, J.H. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the Fe-RE systems for the application of RE in FeNdB permanent magnet", 7447, 51st Annual Conference of Metallurgists, COM 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada, 2012.
[4554] Z. Zhu and A. D. Pelton, Critical Assessment and Optimization of Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Properties of RE-Zn Systems Part I: Sc-Zn, La-Zn, Ce-Zn, Pr-Zn, Nd-Zn, Pm-Zn and Sm-Zn , J. Chem. Thermodyn., accepted (2014).
[4555] Z. Zhu and A. D. Pelton, Critical Assessment and Optimization of Phase Diagrams and Thermodynamic Properties of RE-Zn Systems Part II: Y-Zn, Eu-Zn, Gd-Zn, Tb-Zn, Dy-Zn, Ho-Zn, Er-Zn, Tm-Zn, Yb-Zn and La-Zn , J. Chem. Thermodyn., accepted (2014).
[4556] A.D. Pelton, Y.-B. Kang, P. Chartrand and Z. Zhu, Themodynamic modeling and database development for Mg alloys Proc. 9th Int l Conf. on Mg alloys and their applications, ed. W.J. Poole and K. U. Kainer, Vancouver, pp 31-36 (2012).
[4557] A. E. Gheribi, P. Chartrand, E. B lisle, C. W. Bale, L. Jin and A.D. Pelton, Identifying optimal conditions for Mg alloy design usign thermodynamic and properties databases, the FactSage software and the Mesh Adaptive Direct Searches algorithm , Proc. 9th Int l Conf. on Mg alloys and their applications, ed. W.J. Poole and K. U. Kainer, Vancouver, pp. 43-48 (2012).
[4558] L. Jin, Y.-B. Kang, A.D. Pelton and P. Chartrand Modeling of thermodynamic properties and phase equilibria in Mg-Re and Mg-Al-Re (Re=rare earth) systems , Proc. 9th Int l Conf. on Mg alloys and their applications, ed. W.J. Poole and K. U. Kainer, Vancouver, pp 149-154 (2012).
[4559] B. Konar, J. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Critical systematic evaluation and thermodynamic optimization of the Fe-RE system: RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, and Y , Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2017, vol. 38, Issue 4, pp 509 542.
[4560] S. Cui, I.-H. Jung, J. Kim, and S. Xin, A coupled experimental and thermodynamic study of the Al-Cr and Al-Cr-Mg systems , J. Alloys and Compounds, vol. 698, 2017, pp. 1038-1057.
[4561] S. Cui and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the Al-Cr-Mn ternary system , Metall. Mater. Trans A, 2017, Vol. 48, 1383-1401, 2017.
[4562] S. Cui and I.-H. Jung, Critical reassessment of the Fe-Si system , Calphad, vol. 56, 2017, pp. 108-125.
[4563] S. Cui and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the quaternary Al-Cu-Mg-Si system , Calphad, Vol. 57, pp. 1-27, 2017.
[4564] S. Cui and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of the Cu-Fe-Cr and Cu-Fe-Mn systems , Calphad, vol. 56, pp. 241-259, 2017.
[4565] S. Cui, R. Mishra, and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic analysis of 6XXX series al alloys: Phase fraction diagrams , J. Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, 2018, vol. 54, pp. 119-131.
[4566] Z. You, M.-K. Paek, and I.-H. Jung, Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Fe-N, Mn-N and Fe-Mn-N systems , J. Phase Equil. Diff., 2018, vol. 39, pp. 650-677.
[4567] C.S. Tiwary, M. Paliwal, S. Kashyap, P. Pandey, S. Sarkar, I. Kundu, S. Bhaskar, I.-H. Jung, K. Chattopadhyay, D. Banerjee, Microstructures and mechanical properties of ternary Ti-Si-Sn alloys , Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 770, 2020, 138472.
[4568] "Prediction
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[4569] Fahmi Tafwidli and Youn-Bae Kang, "Thermodynamic Modeling of Fe C S Ternary System", ISIJ Int., 57 (2017), 782.
[4570] Min-Kyu Paek, Kyung- Hyo Do, Youn-Bae Kang, In-Ho Jung, and Jong-Jin Pak,
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[4571] Min-Su Kim and Youn-Bae Kang, Thermodynamic Modeling of the Fe-Mn-C and the
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[4573] Min-Su Kim and Youn-Bae Kang, "Development of Thermodynamic Database for High Mn - High Al steels: Phase Equilibria in the Fe-Mn-Al-C System by Experiment and Thermodynamic Modeling", Calphad, 51 (2015) 89.
[4574] Anh Thu Phan, Min-Kyu Paek, and Youn-Bae Kang "Phase Equilibria and Thermodynamics of Fe-Al-C System: Critical Evaluation, Experiment, and Thermodynamic Optimization", Acta Mater., 79 (2014) 1.
[4575] Youn-Bae Kang, Jiwon Jeong, and Sang Ho Oh, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic
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[4576] Sazol K. Das, Youn-Bae Kang, Tae Kwon Ha, and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic
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[4577] Kaushik Shubhank and Youn-Bae Kang, Critical Evaluation and Thermodynamic
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[4578] Michael Bernhard, Youn-Bae Kang, Peter Presoly, Aimen E Gheribi, and Christian
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[4579] Zhimin You and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic optimization of the Mn P and Fe Mn P
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[4582] J. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y.-N. Zhang, D. Han, L. Jin, L. Sheng, P. Chartrand M. Medraj, Investigation on metallic glass formation in Mg-Zn-Sr ternary system combined with the CALPHAD method , Materials Letters (2019) 256, 126628.
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[5003] A.D. Pelton, chapter 1 entitled "Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams of Materials", in "Materials Science and Technology", vol. 5, ed. R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, E.J. Kramer, VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp. 1-76 (1991).
[5004] A.D. Pelton, chapter "Phase Equilibria", in Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, VCH, NY, vol. 13, 297-322 (1995).
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[5006] A.D. Pelton, section III-5 "Phase Relations", in "Pneumatic Steelmaking, vol. 3-Refractories", ed. M. Rigaud and R.A. Landy, Iron and Steel Society, Warrendale, PA, pp 83-91 (1996).
[5007] A.D. Pelton, ch. 3 : "Solution Models", in "Advanced Physical Chemistry for Process Metallurgy", ed. N. Sano, W.‑K. Lu and P. Riboud, Academic Press, NY, pp. 87-117 (1997).
[5008] A.D. Pelton, Computational Thermodynamics , Chapter 6 in Computerized Physical Chemistry of Metallurgy & Materials , Ed. Z. Qiao, Z. Xu and H. Liu, Metallurgical Industry Press, Beijing, pp. 147-161(1999).
[5009] A.D. Pelton, "Chemical Thermodynamics and Nuclear Applications", Chapter in "Chemical Thermodynamics" pp. 145-158 ed. T. Letcher, IUPAC, Blackwell Science, London (1999).
[5010] A.D. Pelton and C.W. Bale, Chapter on "Thermodynamics", pp. 25-42 in "Direct Reduced Iron", ed J. Feinman and D. R. MacRae, Iron and Steel Society, Warrendale, PA (1999).
[5011] W.T. Thompson, M. H. Kaye, C.W. Bale and A. D. Pelton, chapter 7 entitled "Thermodynamics of Aqueous Corrosion Pourbaix Diagrams for Multi-Element Systems", in "Uhlig's Corrosion Handbook, 2nd edition", ed. R. W. Revie, pp. 125-136, Wiley, NY (2000).
[5012] A.D. Pelton, chapter entitled "Metal Extraction: Phase Diagrams", in "The Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology", ed. K.H.G. Buschow, R.W. Cahn, M.C. Flemings, B. Ilschner, E.J. Kramer, and S. Mahajan, Elsevier, pp. 5358-5362 (2001).
[5013] A.D. Pelton, chapter 1 entitled "Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams of Materials", in "Phase Transformations in Materials", ed. G. Kostorz, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, pp 1-80 (2001).
[5014] A.D. Pelton, chapter entitled Thermodynamics and Phase Diagrams in Physical Metallurgy 5th edition , D. E. Laughlin and K. Hono (eds.), pp. 203-303 (2014).
[5015] Jean Lehman, Klaus Hack, Marie-Aline Van Ende, Evgueni Jak, In-Ho Jung, Computational thermodynamics in Treatise on Process Metallurgy: Process Phenomena, Volume 2: Process Phenomena, Elsevier, 2014, 587-852.
[5016] Elhachmi Essadiqi, In-Ho Jung, Mary Wells, Twin Roll Casting - processing and process modelling in Advance in Mg wrought alloy development Woodhead Publishing, 2012, pp. 212-303.
[5017] M.-A. Van Ende and I.-H. Jung, Applications of Thermodynamic Database to the Kinetic Steelmaking Process Simulations , in Computational Materials System Design ed. Dongwon Shin and James Saal, 2018, Chapter 3, Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-68280-8).
[5018] M. Paliwal and I.-H. Jung, Prediction of as cast microstructure of multicomponent light alloys , in Computational Materials System Design ed. Dongwon Shin and James Saal, 2018, Chapter 5, Springer (ISBN 978-3-319-68280-8).
[5019] M. Rigaud, J. Smith, I.-H. Jung, J. Poirier, Thermodynamics in FIRE Compendium Series Volume 2A: Corrosion of Refractories: The Fundamentals, ed. J. Poirier and M. Rigaud, Goller Verlag, 2017.
[5020] In-Ho Jung, Chapter in FIRE Compendium Series Volume 2C: Corrosion of Refractories: The impact of Corrosion, ed. J. Poirier and M. Rigaud, Goller Verlag, 2019.
[6001] C.W. Bale and A.D. Pelton, "Calculation of Thermodynamic Equilibria in the Carbonate Fuel Cell", Proc. Symp. on Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Technology, pp 81‑107, Electrochem, Soc., Pennington, N.J. (1984).
[6002] M. Blander, S. Sinha, A.D. Pelton and G. Eriksson, "Calculations of the Influence of Additives on Coal Combustion Deposits", Symp. on Ash Deposition, Dallas, Am. Chem. Soc. (1989).
[6003] Y. Dessureault and A.D. Pelton, "An Optimized Thermodynamic Database for Matte-Slag-Speiss-Metal Phases in Lead Smelting", Proc. Int'l. Symp. on Computer Databases, CIM, (1993).
[6004] M. Blander, A.D. Pelton, R. Cole, J.A. Libera and K.W. Ragland, "Molten Sulfate-Carbonate Liquids in the Effluents of Wood Combustion for Power Production", Proc. 9th Int'l Symp. Molten Salts, Electrochem. Soc., Vol. 94-13, Pennington, NJ, pages 8-15 (1994).
[6005] A.D. Pelton, C.W. Bale, P.K. Talley and W.T. Thompson, "Computer-Assisted Thermodynamic Calculations and Process Simulation in Steelmaking", Proc. Canada-Japan Sympos. on Steelmaking and Continuous Casting, CIM, Montreal (1994).
[6006] P. Hudon, D.R. Baker, A.D. Pelton and P. Wu, "Disappearance of the Liquid-Liquid Miscibility Gap in the System CaO-MgO-SiO2 at High Pressure", Mineralogical Magazine, Proc. U.M. Goldschmidt Conf., Europ. Assoc. Geochem. and Geochem. Soc., Edinburgh, (1994).
[6007] M. Blander, K.W. Ragland, R.L. Cole, J.A. Libera and A.D. Pelton, "The Inorganic Chemistry of Wood Combustion for Power Production", Biomass and Bioenergy, 8, 29-38 (1995).
[6008] S. A. Decterov and A. D. Pelton, Thermodynamic Calculation of Gas/Slag/Refractory Equilibria in Coal Gasification . In: Ceramic Transactions, vol. 78: Corrosion of Materials by Molten Glass, Ed. G. Pecoraro, Amer. Ceram. Soc., pp. 91-103 (1996).
[6009] E. Jak, S. Decterov, P.C. Hayes and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modelling of the System Al2O3-SiO2-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3 to Predict the Flux Requirements for Coal Ash Slags", Fuel, 77, 77-84 (1997).
[6010] M. Blander, A.D. Pelton and T. Milne, "The Inorganic Chemistry of the Combustion of Wheat Straw", Biomass and Bioenergy, 12, 295-8 (1997).
[6011] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Databases and Equilibrium Calculations in Metallurgical Processes", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69, 969-978 (1997).
[6012] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modelling and Phase Equilibrium Calculations in Nuclear Materials", Pure and Applied Chemistry, 69, 2245-2252 (1997).
[6013] E. Jak, S. Decterov, P.C. Hayes and A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modelling of the System PbO-ZnO-FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2 for Zn/Pb Smelting", Proc.5th Int'l. Sympos. Metall. Slags and Fluxes, AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 621-628 (1997).
[6014] P. Chartrand, H. Mediaas, A.D. Pelton and O. Tkatcheva, Thermodynamic Phase Diagram Calculations and Cryoscopic Measurements in the NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2-CaF2 System ,Proc. Int'l Terje stvold Symposium, R ros, Norway, Eds. H. ye and A. Waernes, pp. 11-32, Inst. Inorganic Chem, NUST, Trondheim, Norway (1998).
[6015] F. Kongoli, E. Grimsey, and A.D. Pelton "Model Prediction of the Liquidus Surface of Multi-Component Iron Silicate Smelting Slags Containing Magnesia and Calcia", Proc. EPD Congress 98, San Antonio, Texas, pp 821-845, Ed. B. Mishra, TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA (1998).
[6016] E.Jak, B. Zhao, P.C. Hayes, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Coupled Experimental and Thermodynamic Modelling Studies of the System PbO-ZnO-FeO-Fe2O3-CaO-SiO2-Al2O3", Proc. CIM. Zinc and Lead Proc. Sympos, eds. J. Dutrizac, J.A. Gonzalez, G.L. Bolton and P. Hancock, pp. 312-333, Calgary, Canad. Inst. Met., Montreal (1998).
[6017] F. Kongoli, E. Grimsey and A.D. Pelton, pplication of the FACT Thermodynamic Database Computing System in Ni/Co Smelting and Converting Processes, pp 127-135 in "Computer Applications in Metallurgy and Materials Processing", Ed. S.A. Argyropoulos and M. Hasan, The Met. Soc. of CIM, Montreal (1998)
[6018] A.D. Pelton, "Thermodynamic Modeling in Glass Melt Systems-Applications for the Glass Industry", Proc. HVG/NCNG Colloquium, "Melting Processes in Glass Furnaces", Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt/M., pp. 7-12 (1998).
[6019] S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton and M. Zamalloa, "Databases and Software for Thermodynamic Simulation of Copper Smelting and Converting", in Copper 99-Cobre 99, Vol. VI, Eds. C. Diaz, C. Landolt and T. Utigard, TMS ‑ AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 293-307 (1999).
[6020] E. Jak, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton, J. Happ, and P.C. Hayes, "Thermodynamic Modelling of the System Al2O3-SiO2-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3 to Characterise Coal Ash Slags", Impact of Mineral Impurities in Solid Fuel Combustion'97, Ed. R.P. Gupta, T.F. Wall and L. Baxter, Kluwer Academic/Plenum, NY, pp. 723-733(1999).
[6021] E. Jak, S. Decterov, B. Zhao, A.D. Pelton and P. Hayes, "Coupled Experimental and Thermodynamic Modelling Studies for Metallurgical Smelting and Coal Combustion Slag Systems", Met. & Mat. Trans., 31B, 621-630 (2000).
[6022] M. Blander, L. Unger, A. Pelton and G.Eriksson, "Nucleation Constraints Lead to Molten Chondrule Precursors in the Early Solar System", J. Phys. Chem. B, 105, 11823-11827 (2001).
[6023] H. Medias, P. Chartrand, O. Tkatcheva, A.D. Pelton, and T. stvold "Thermodynamic Phase Diagram Calculation and Cryscopic Measurements in the NaCl-CaCl2-MgCl2-CaF2 System", Canad. Metall. Quart., 40, 33-45 (2001). Winner of best paper award 2001
[6024] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A.L. Young, W.T. Thompson, I.G. Wright and T.M. Besmann, "Corrosion of Metals in Hot Corrosive Gases", Advanced Materials and Processes, 160, [3], 27-31 (2002).
[6025] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A.L. Young, W.T. Thompson, I.G. Wright and T.M. Besmann, "Assessing Corrosion in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Processing", Proc. Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion in Energy Realted Systems, Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, (2002).
[6026] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov, A.D. Pelton, Y.-B. Kang and H.-G. Lee, "Critical Thermodynamic Evaluation and Optimization of the CaO-MnO-Al2O3-SiO2 System and Application to Inclusion Control", Proc. CIM Symposium, Ladle and Tundish Technology, Ed. K.S. Coley and G. Brooks, Canadian Institute of Metallurgy, Montreal, pp 131-147 (2002).
[6027] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A. L. Young, W.T. Thompson, I.G. Wright, T.M. Besmann, and M.A. Harper,"Update on the ASSET Information System for High Temperature Corrosion", NACE‑Corrosion 2002, paper 02382, NACE International, Houston TX (2002).
[6028] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Computer Applications of Thermodynamic Databases to Inclusion Engineering", ISSTech 2003 Conference, Volume for Ironmaking/Process Tech./Wolf Sympos. Proceedings, pp 561-570, Iron & Steel Society, Warrendale, PA (2003)
[6029] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Computer Applications of Thermodynamic Databases to Corrosion of Refractories", Proc. UNITECR'03 Congress, Osaka, Japan, pp. 252-255 (2003).
[6030] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A.L. Young, P. Spencer and W.T. Thompson, "Alloy Carburization at Temperatures of 1,200 2,100oF (650 1,150oC)", NACE Corrosion 2003, paper 03474 (2003)
[6031] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, S. Decterov, A.L. Young, P. Spencer, W.T. Thompson, I.G. Wright and T.M. Besmann, "Predictions of Corrosion Products for Alloys Corroding in Complex Gases via Thermochemical Analyses", NACE-Corrosion 2003, paper 03501 (2003).
[6032] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A.L. Young, W.T. Thompson, I.G. Wright and T.M. Besmann, "Assessing Corrosion in Oil Refining and Petrochemical Processing", Materials Research 7, [1]163-173, (2004).
[6033] I.-H. Jung, S. Decterov and A.D. Pelton, "Computer Applications of Thermodynamic Databases to Inclusion Engineering", ISIJ International, 44 [3], 527-536 (2004).
[6034] R.C. John, A.L. Young, A.D. Pelton and W.T. Thompson "Sulfidation Corrosion in the Presence of Oxidizing Gases", NACE-Corrosion 2004, paper 04532, 2004.
[6035] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A. L. Young, W.T. Thompson, and I. G. Wright, "Predicting Equipment Lifetimes with High Temperature Corrosion Data", Proc. 6th Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials, Les Embiez, France (2004).
[6036] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, A.L. Young, W.T. Thompson, and I.G. Wright, "Energy Savings for Ethylene and other Petrochemical Processes by Management of Equipment Corrosion and Coke Deposition", Proc. AIChE meeting, New Orleans, LA (2004).
[6037] M. Blander, A.D. Pelton, I.-H. Jung and R. Weber, "Non-equilibrium Concepts Lead to a Unified Explanation of the Formation of Chondrules and Chondrites", Meteoritics, 39, 1897-1910 (2004).
[6038] J. L'Ecuyer, A. Mouton, A. Legros, A. Selmani, J. Currie and S. A. Decterov, Application of Selenium-Based Alloys for Digital Radiography , Nuclear Instr. Methods Phys. Res. A, 380, 494-496 (1996).
[6039] W.T. Chase, M. Notis & A.D. Pelton, "New Eh-Ph (Pourbaix) Diagrams of the Cu‑Sn System", Proc. ICOM Conservation Committee Working Group on Metals, Sept. 17-21, (2007), Amsterdam.
[6040] R.C. John, A.D. Pelton, W.T. Thompson, A.L. Young and I.G. Wright, "ASSET Technology Update for Analyzing and Predicting Corrosion in High Temperature Gases", Proc. MS&T Conference, Cincinnati, (2006).
[6041] R. John, A. Pelton, A. Young, W. Thompson and I. Wright, "Managing and Assessing High Temperature Corrosion in the 21st Century", Proc. Stainless Steel World 2004, pp 1-10, 2004 KCl Publ. BV.,(2004).
[6042] M. Blander, A.D. Pelton and I.-H. Jung, "A Model for the Formation of E‑Chondrites", Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 44, 531-544 (2009).
[6043] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, M. Hupa, P. Chartrand, A critical thermodynamic evaluation of the melting properties of alkali salt mixtures in the recovery boiler , 2007 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Quebec City, Canada, May 29 June 1, 47-50, 2007.
[6044] D. Lindberg, P. Chartrand, R. Backman and M. Hupa, A Thermodynamic and Phase Equilibrium Model for the Smelt in Recovery Boilers , Annual Meeting Preprints Pulp and Paper Tech. Ass. of Canada, 91st, Montreal, QC, Canada, Feb 8-10, B, 31-35, 2005.
[6045] I.-H. Jung, S. A. Decterov and A. D. Pelton, Computer Application of Thermodynamic Database to Corrosion of Refractories , Taikabutsu Refractories, 56 (8), 382-386 (2004).
[6046] E. Jak, P. Hayes, C. W. Bale and S. A. Decterov, Application of FactSage thermodynamic modeling of recycled slags (Al2O3-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3-SiO2-PbO-ZnO) in the treatment of wastes from end-of-life-vehicles , Z. Metallkd. 98 (9), 872-878 (2007).
[6047] I.-H. Jung, S. A. Decterov, A. D. Pelton, Physico-Chemical Modeling of Slags and Mattes for Co and Ni production , Pyrometallurgy of Nickel and Cobalt 2009, Proc. 48th Annual Conf. of Metallurgists of CIM, Eds. J. Liu, J. Peacey, M. Barati, S. Kashani-Nejad, B. Davis, CIM, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, pp. 317-329 (2009).
[6048] S. A. Decterov, Y.-B. Kang and I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic Database for the Al-Ca-Co-Cr-Fe-Mg-Mn-Ni-Si-O-P-S System and Applications in Ferrous Process Metallurgy , J. Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 30 (5), 443-461 (2009).
[6049] Youn-Bae Kang and Arthur Pelton, Thermodynamic Databases and their Applications for Sulfur Control in Steelmaking , Proc. Asia Steel Int l Conference, Korean Inst. Metals & Materials, Seoul, S3-42 (2009).
[6050] Y.-B. Kang and H.-G. Lee, "Thermodynamic Analysis of Mn-Depeleted-Zone Near Ti Oxide Inclusions for Intragranular Nucleation of Ferrite in Steel", ISIJ Int., 50, 501-508 (2010)
[6051] J.C. Van Dyk, F.B. Waanders, S.A. Benson, M.L. Laumb and K. Hack, Viscosity predictions of the slag composition of gasified coal, utilizing FactSage equilibrium modeling , Fuel, 88, 67-74 (2009).
[6052] K. Hack, Computational thermodynamics: A mature scientific tool for industry and academia , Pure and Applied Chemistry, 83(5), 1031-1044 (2011)
[6053] K. Hack, Rechnergest tzte Thermodynamik Ein neues Werkzeug f r den Giesser , Giesserei-Erfahrungsaustausch, Fachmagazin f r Praktiker, 9-10 (2011)
[6054] Hyun-Soo Kim, Youn-Bae Kang, Jang Gyu Kim and Yasushi Sasaki, The Role of Iron Oxide Bearing Molten Slag in Iron Melting Process for the Direct Contact Carburization , ISIJ Int., 51, 166-168 (2011).
[6055] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, P. Chartrand and M. Hupa, Towards a Comprehensive Thermodynamic Database for Ash-forming Elements in Biomass and Waste Combustion Current Situation and Future Developments , Fuel Processing Technology, 105, 129-141 (2013).
[6056] S. Besson, A. Pichat, E. Xolin, P. Chartrand and B. Friedrich, Improving coalescence in Al- Recycling by salt optimization , Proc. EMC 2011, Dusseldorf, Germany, June 26-29, GDMB ed., Clausthal-Zellerfeld, vol.3 (Light Metals), pp.759-774 (2011).
[6057] M.-A. Coulombe, M. Lebeuf, P. Chartrand, B. Allard, and G. Soucy, Carburation Phenomenons at the Cathode Block/Metal Interface , Light Metals (Warrendale, PA, United States) (2010), p.811-816.
[6058] A. Zoukel, P. Chartrand and G. Soucy, Study of aluminum carbide formation in Hall-Heroult electrolytic cell , Light Metals 2009, TMS, Feb. 2009, 1123-1128.
[6059] D. Lindberg, R. Backman, M. Hupa, P. Chartrand, A critical thermodynamic evaluation of the melting properties of alkali salt mixtures in the recovery boiler , 2007 International Chemical Recovery Conference, Quebec City, Canada, May 29 June 1, 47-50, 2007.
[6060] Min-Kyu Paek, Jung-Mock Jang, Youn-Bae Kang, and Jong-Jin Pak, Thermodynamic behavior of Si in Mn Si melts , Kor. J. Mater. Res., 50, 116 121 (2012).
[6061] Sun-Joong Kim, Jun Takekawa, Hiroyuki Shibata, Shin-ya Kitamura, Katsunori Yamaguchi, and Youn-Bae Kang, Influence of Partial Pressure of Sulfur and Oxygen on Distribution of Fe and Mn between Liquid Fe-Mn Oxysulfide and Molten Slag , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 43, 1069 1077 (2012).
[6062] Youn-Bae Kang, Taeyoung Kim, and Joonho Lee, Valorisation of Steelmaking Slag by Microwave Treatment , Ironmaking and Steelmaking, 39, 498 503 (2012).
[6063] Joo-Hyun Park, Jin-Gyun Park, Dong-Joon Min, Young-Eun Lee, and Youn-Bae Kang, In Situ Observation of Dissolution Phenomena of SiC Particles in CaO SiO2 MnO Slag , J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 30, 3181 3186 (2010).
[6064] Joonho Lee, Eunju Kim, Taeyoung Kim, and Youn-Bae Kang, Thermodynamic Study for P Reduction from Slag to Molten Steel by using the Microwave Heating , Kor. J. Mater. Res., 20, 42 46 (2010).
[6065] I.-H. Jung, S. Cui, J. Lee, S. Park, Thermodynamics in Mg recycling process , JOM, 2013, vol. 65, pp. 1310-1316.
[6066] A. Castellero, D.H. Kang, I.-H. Jung, G. Angella, M. Vedani and M. Baricco, Rapid solidification of silver-rich Ag-Cu-Zr alloys , J. Alloy. Compd., vol. 536, Supplement, pp. S148 S153
[6067] Aguirre-Perales, L.Y., R.A.L. Drew, and I.-H. Jung, The Effect of In-Situ Intermetallic Formation on Al-Sn Foaming Behavior , Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2014, vol. 45, 3714-3727.
[6068] Seong-Min Jeong, Won-Seon Seo, In-Ho Jung, Kyung-Jin Lee, and Hae Jin Hwang, Thermodynamic analysis of the synthesis of silicon carbide nanofibers from exfoliated graphite and amorphous silica , CrystEngComm, 2014, vol. 16, 2348-2351.
[6069] J. Calvo, I.-H. Jung, A.M. Elwazri, D. Bai, and S. Yue, Influence of the chemical composition on transformation behaviour of low carbon microalloyed steels , Mat. Sci. Eng. A, 2009, vol. 520(1-2), pp. 90-96.
[6070] S.S. Park, G.T. Bae, D.H. Kang, I.-H. Jung, K.S. Shin and N.J. Kim, Microstructure and tensile properties of twin-roll cast Mg-Zn-Mn-Al alloys , Scripta Mater., 2007, vol. 57, pp. 793-796.
[6071] I.-H. Jung, D.H. Kang, W.-J. Park, N.J. Kim and S.H. Ahn, Application of thermodynamic calculations to Mg alloy design − Mg-Sn based alloy development , Int. J. Mat. Res. (formerly Z. Metallkd.), 2007, vol. 98, pp. 807-815.
[6072] Y.-M. Kim and I.-H. Jung, Design of new Mg lean alloys with high formability and strength using thermodynamic database , 9th International Conference on Magnesium alloys and their Applications, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2012, pp. 55-61.
[6073] M. Paliwal, J. Kim, D.H. Kang and I.-H. Jung, The recent developments in Mg-Sn based alloy thermodynamic database , Magnesium Technology 2010, TMS, pp. 511-516.
[6074] I.-H. Jung, D.H. Kang, N.J. Kim, W.-J. Kim and S.H. Ahn, "Thermodynamic modeling and its applications to Mg-Sn based alloy development", Magnesium Technology 2009, TMS, 2009, pp. 467-470.
[6075] I.-H. Jung, W.-J. Park, S.H. Ahn, D.-H. Kang and N.J. Kim, Thermodynamic modeling of the Mg-Sn-Zn-Al system and its application to Mg alloy design , Magnesium Technology 2006, Texas, USA, 2006, pp. 457-461.
[6076] M.-K. Cho, M.-A. Van Ende, T.-H. Eun and I.-H. Jung, Investigation of slag-refractory interactions for the Ruhrstahl Heraeus (RH) vacuum degassing process in steelmaking , J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2012, 32 (8), pp. 1503-1517.
[6077] M.-K. Cho and I.-H. Jung, Corrosion of nozzle refractories by liquid inclusion in high oxygen steels , ISIJ Inter. 2012, vol. 52, pp. 1289-1296.
[6078] J.H. Son, I.-H. Jung, S.M. Jung, H. Gaye and H.G. Lee, Chemical reaction of glazed refractory with Al-deoxidized and Ca-treated molten steel , ISIJ Inter., 2010, vol. 50, pp. 1422-1430.
[6079] J.H. Park, M.O. Suk, I.-H. Jung, M. Guo and B. Blanpain, Interfacial reaction between refractory materials and metallurgical slags containing fluoride Steel Res. Int., 2010, vol. 81, pp. 860-868.
[6080] S.-C. Park, I.-H. Jung, K.-S. Oh and H.-G. Lee, Effects of Al on the evolution of non-metallic inclusions in the Mn-Si-Ti-Mg deoxidized steel during solidification: experiments and thermodynamic calculations ISIJ Inter., 2004, vol. 44(6), pp. 1016-1023.
[6081] J.H. Park, I.-H. Jung and S.-B. Lee, Phase diagram study for the CaO-SiO2-Cr2O3-5mass%MgO-10mass%MnO system , Met. Mater. Int., 2009, vol. 15, pp. 677-681.
[6082] J.-H. Son, I.-H. Jung, S.-M. Jung, H. Gaye and H.-G. Lee, Chemical reaction of glazed refractory with Al-deoxidized molten steel ISIJ Inter., 2008, vol. 48, pp. 1542-1551.
[6083] Y.B. Kang, C.H. Chang, S.C. Park, H.S. Kim, I.-H. Jung and H.G. Lee, Thermodynamics of inclusions engineering in steelmaking and refining , Iron and Steel Technology, 2006, no. 10, pp. 154-162.
[6084] J.-H. Park, I.-H. Jung and H.-G. Lee: Dissolution behavior of Al2O3 and MgO inclusions in the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 slags: Formation of ring-like structure of MgAl2O4 and Ca2SiO4 around MgO inclusions , ISIJ inter., 2006, vol. 46, pp. 1626-1634.
[6085] C.-H. Chang, I.-H. Jung, S.-C. Park, H.-S. Kim and H.-G. Lee: Effect of Mg on the evolution of non-metallic inclusions in the Mn-Si-Ti deoxidized steel during solidification: experiments and thermodynamic calculations Ironmaking Steelmaking, 2005, vol. 32(3), pp. 251-257.
[6086] D.-C. Park, I.-H. Jung, C.H. Rhee and H.-G. Lee: Reoxidation of Al-Ti containing steels by CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2 slag , ISIJ Inter., 2004, vol. 44(10), pp. 1669-1678.
[6087] Wan-Yi Kim and In-Ho Jung, Critical Evaluation and Optimization of the Li2O‐ZrO2 and Li2O‐ZrO2‐SiO2 systems, UNITECR 2013, Vancouver, Canada.
[6088] Pierre Hudon, Wan-Yi Kim, Marie-Aline Van Ende, and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic database for P2O5-containing slags and its application to the dephosphorization process , AISTech 2014 Proceeding, AIST, pp. 1257-1268.
[6089] Young-Min Kim and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic Modeling of the MnO-B2O3-SiO2 System for the Oxidation of High-Strength Steels Containing Boron , International symposium on new developments in advanced high strength steels, AISTech, Vale, Colorado, USA, June 26, 2013.
[6090] I.-H. Jung, M.-A. Van Ende and W.-Y. Kim, Thermodynamic database and kinetic simulation for BOF process", CAMP-ISIJ, vol 25, 2012, pp. 199-202.
[6091] I.-H. Jung, P. Hudon, W.-Y Kim, M.-A. Van Ende, M. Rahman, G.G. Curiel and E.M. Khoonsari, Thermodynamic database of P2O5-containing oxide system for De-P process in steelmaking (Paper No.: w130) ", Molten12, Beijing, China, 2012.
[6092] J. Lehmann, I.-H. Jung and L. Zhang, The main thermo-statistical models of metallurgical slags: Theory and applications (Paper No.: w158#)", Molten12, Beijing, China, 2012.
[6093] I.-H. Jung, M.-A. Van Ende and D.-G. Kim, Thermodynamic modeling of the F-containing oxide system and applications to refractory corrosion , UNITECR 2011, Kyoto, Japan, 2011. Paper #1-E-15.
[6094] M.-A. Van Ende, Y.-M. Kim, M.-K. Cho, J. Choi and I.-H. Jung, Corrosion of RH bottom vessel refractories Part I: kinetic model to predict slag and metal compositions during the RH process, UNITECR 2011, Kyoto, Japan, 2011. Paper #1-B1-4.
[6095] I.-H. Jung, Application of thermodynamic database to steelmaking processes , Materials Science and Technology (MS&T) 2010, pp. 969-981.
[6096] I.-H. Jung, P. Hudon, G. G. Curiel and M. Rahman, Thermodynamic modeling of P2O5 containing system for De-P process in steelmaking: Preliminary thermodynamic modeling results , CAMP-ISIJ, vol. 23, 2010, pp. 815-818.
[6097] I.-H. Jung, Thermodynamic modeling of CaF2 containing slag and its applications to steelmaking process , 2010 AISTech proceeding-volume I, 2010, pp. 1211-1220.
[6098] I.-H. Jung, M. Paliwal, Y.-M. Kim, S.-K. Lee and J.-S. Kim, "Thermodynamic analysis of the oxidation of high-strength steels", Asia-Pacific Galvanizing Conference, 2009, paper # A-34.
[6099] I.-H. Jung, J.-H. Son, S.-M. Jung and H.-G. Lee, "Formation of ladle glaze and its influence on melt cleanliness", Asia Steel, 2009, paper # S3-02.
[6100] I.-H. Jung, Overview of the applications of thermodynamic database to steelmaking process , Calphad, 2010, vol. 34, pp. 332-362.
[6101] M.-A. Van Ende, Y.-M. Kim, M.-K. Cho, J.H. Choi and I.-H. Jung, A kinetic model for the Ruhrstahl Heraeus (RH) degassing process , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 2011, vol. 42(3), pp. 477-489.
[6102] Marie-Aline Van Ende, and In-Ho Jung, Development of a thermodynamic database for mold flux and applications to the continuous casting process , ISIJ Inter. Vol. 54, 2014, pp. 489-495.
[6103] Marie-Aline Van Ende, and In-Ho Jung, Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Mold Flux and Application to the Continuous Casting Process , 2014, ECCC, Austria.
[6104] Marie-Aline Van Ende, and In-Ho Jung, Development of a Thermodynamic Database for Mold Flux and Application to the Continuous Casting Process for Steelmaking , TMS2014, D. Robertson Symposium.
[6105] Dmitri Nassyrov and In-Ho Jung, A model for slag solidification , AISTech 2014 Proceeding, AIST, pp. 1669-1680.
[6106] M.-A. Van Ende, Y.-M. Kim, M.-K. Cho, J. Choi and I.-H. Jung, A kinetic and thermodynamic model for the decarburization reaction in the RH vacuum degasser , EOSC 2011, Stokholm, 2011, pp. 404-414.
[6107] A.D. Pelton, M. Stamatakis, E. Kelepertziz and T. Panagou, "Origin and archaeo-metallurgy of a mixed sulphide ore for copper production on the island of Kea, Aegean Sea, Greece", Archaeometry, accepted for publication.
[6109] M.-A. Van Ende and I.-H. Jung, A Kinetic Ladle Furnace Process Simulation Model: Effective Equilibrium Reaction Zone Model using FactSage Macro processing , Metallurgical and Materials Transaction B, vol. 48, 2017, pp. 28-36.
[6110] Jung, I.-H., Van Ende, M.-A., Cho, M.-K., Cao, Z., FactSage thermodynamic database for steelmaking refractory research , China's Refractories, vol. 24, 2015, pp. 15-21. (invited paper)
[6111] M.-A. Van Ende, T.-S. Kim, Y. Kim, and I.-H. Jung, "Thermodynamic optimization of the Dy-Nd-Fe-B system and application to the recovery and recycling of rare earth metal from NdFeB magnet", Green Chemistry, 2015, vol. 17, 2246-2262.
[6112] Young-Joon Park, Yong-Min Cho, Woo-Yeol Cha, and Youn-Bae Kang, "Dissolution
Kinetics of Alumina in Molten CaO-Al2O3-FetO-MgO-SiO2 Oxide Representing RH Slag
in Steelmaking Process", J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 103 (2020), 2210
[6113] Youn-Bae Kang and Joo-Hyeok Lee "Consideration of Phase Equilibria in Fe-Al-Ti-O
System and Its Importance in Steel Cleanliness during Casting Process", La Metallurgia
Italiana, (2019), 5.
[6114] Youn-Bae Kang and Sung-Hoon Jung, "Oxide Stability Diagram of Liquid Steels
Construction and Utilization", ISIJ Int., 58 (2018), 1371.
[6115] Joo-Hyeok Lee, Myeong-Hun Kang, Sung-Kwang Kim, and Youn-Bae Kang, "Oxidation of
Ti added ULC Steel by CO Gas Simulating Interfacial Reaction Between the Steel and SEN
during Continuous Casting", ISIJ Int., 58 (2018), 1257.
[6116] Min-Su Kim and Youn-Bae Kang, "Development of a Multicomponent Reaction Rate
Model Coupling Thermodynamics and Kinetics for Reaction Between High Mn-High Al
Steel and CaO-SiO2-Type Molten Mold Flux", Calphad, 61 (2018), 105.
[6117] Youn-Bae Kang and Joo-Hyeok Lee, "Reassessment of Oxide Stability Diagram in the Fe-
Al-Ti-O System", ISIJ Int., 57 (2017), 1665.
[6118] Youn-Bae Kang and John Campbell, "Distribution of Alumina in Aluminum Prediction
Based on Thermodynamic and Diffusion Analysis", Metall. Mater. Trans. A., 48A (2017),
[6119] Arthur Pelton and Youn-Bae-Kang, "Discussion of "Sulfide Capacity in Ladle Slag at
Steelmaking Temperatures", Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 47B (2016), 3241.
[6120] Youn-Bae Kang, "Calculation of Surface Tension Using CALPHAD Software as a Zero
Phase Fraction Line of "Surface" Phase", Calphad, 50 (2015) 105.
[6121] Sung-Kwang Kim, Wanlin Wang, and Youn-Bae Kang, "Modeling Surface Tension of
Multicomponent Liquid Steel Using Modified Quasichemical Model and Constrained
Gibbs Energy Minimization", Metal. Mater. lnt., 21 (2015) 765.
[6122] Youn-Bae Kang, "Relationship between Surface Tension and Gibbs Energy, and
Application of Constrained Gibbs Energy Minimization", Calphad, 50 (2015) 23.
[6123] Rongxun Piao, Dae-Hee Woo, Hae-Geon Lee, and Youn-Bae Kang, "A Thermodynamic
Model and Database for Oxysulfide Inclusions Containing Ca-Mn-Si-Al-O S and Its
Application to Prediction of Inclusions Evolution in Steels", AIST Transactions, 11 (2014)
[6124] Jiwon Jeong, Jiseong Im, Kyung Song, Munhyuk Kwon, Shae Kwang Kim, Youn-Bae
Kang, and Sang Ho Oh, "Transmission electron microscopy and thermodynamic studies of
CaO-added AZ31 Mg alloys", J Acta Mater., 61 (2013) 3267.
[6125] Ho-Gil Choi, Seungwoo Choi, Min-Kyung Kim, Juyoung Jang, Ki Tae Nam, In-Ho Jung &
Kyung-Woo Yi (2021) Electrolysis of iron with oxygen gas evolution from molten sodium
borate electrolytes, Ironmaking & Steelmaking, DOI: 10.1080/03019233.2020.1861837
[6126] Arijit Biswas, Chandan Sahoo, Wei-Tong Du, In-Ho Jung, and Manas Paliwal, New
production route for Vanadium Nitride master alloy : Experimental and thermodynamic
analysis , MMTB, accepted.
[6127] Somnath Mandal, C. J. Dileep Kumar, Devendra Kumar, Komal Syed, Marie‐Aline Van
Ende, In‐Ho Jung, Sarah C. Finkeldei, and William J. Bowman, Designing environment‐
friendly chromium‐free Spinel‐Periclase‐Zirconia refractories for Ruhrstahl Heraeus
degasser , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., (2020), vol. 103, pp. 7095-7114.
[6128] Marcus Kirschen, In-Ho Jung, Gernot Hackl, Phase equilibrium diagram for EAF slag
optimization in high alloyed Chromium stainless steelmaking , Metals, (2020), vol. 10,
[6129] Ning Li, Zixu Ji, Zhihua Yang, Dechang Ji, Yawei Li, In-Ho Jung, Improved oxidation
resistance of SPS sintered Si2BC3N ceramics with disilicides (MoSi2, HfSi2, TaSi2)
addition , Ceramics Inter. (2020), vol. 46, pp. 18079-18088.
[6130] H.K. Park, T.H. Lee, S.A Lee, In-Ho Jung, H.W. Jang, Stabilization of FCC Phase Using
Mn Incorporation in Nanograin Invar Alloy Foils Fabricated by Electroforming , Electronic
Materials Letters, (2020), vol. 16, pages188 194.
[6131] Shang Zhai, Jimmy Rojas, Nadia Ahlborg, Kipil Lim, Michael Chung Hon Cheng, Chenlu
Xie, Michael F Toney, In-Ho Jung, William C Chueh and Arunava Majumdar, High-
Capacity thermochemical CO2 dissociation using iron-poor ferrites , Energy Environ. Sci.,
(2020), vol.13, 592-600.
[6132] Samantha Gateman, Nicholas Georgescu, Min-Kyung Kim, In-Ho Jung and Janine
Mauzeroll, "Efficient Measurement of the Influence of Chemical Composition on
Corrosion: Analysis of an Mg-Al Diffusion Couple Using Scanning Micropipette Contact
Method", J. Electrochem. Soc. (2019), vol.166, issue 16, C624-C630.
[6133] J.-Y. Kim, H. Park, W. Joo, D.-H. Nam, S. Lee, H.G. Kim, I.-K. Ahn, H.-Y. Kang, G.-B.
Lee, I.-H. Jung, M.-Y. Kim, G.-D Lee, Y.-C. Joo, Predictive fabrication of Ni phosphide
embedded in carbon nanofibers as active and stable electrocatalysts , J. Mater. Chem. A,
(2019), vol. 7, pp. 7451-7458.
[6134] Senlin Cui, Rajai Mishra, and In-Ho Jung, Thermodynamic analysis of 6XXX series al
alloys: Phase fraction diagrams , J. Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy, (2018),
vol. 54, pp. 119-131.
[6135] B. Long, A. Buhr, I. Jung, S. Jin, H. Harmuth, J. Dutton, Comparison of Cement- and
Hydratable Alumina-Bonded Alumina-Spinel Materials for Steel Ladle Purging Plugs ,
Refractories Worldforum, (2017), vol. 9 (3), 93-106.
[6136] In-Ho Jung, JinKyu Lee, Shae K Kim, Mg-Ca alloys produced by reduction of CaO:
Understanding of ECO-Mg alloy production , Metall. Mater. Trans. B, Vol. 48, pp. 1073-
1078, (2017).
[6137] E. Moosavi-Khoonsari, M.-A. Van Ende, In-Ho Jung, Kinetic model for hot metal
pretreatment using lime and magnesium 7th International Congress on Science and
Technology of Steelmaking, ICS 2018; Venice; Italy; 13 (June 2018 through 15 June 2018);
Code 144934.
[6138] Bikram Konar, Marie-Aline Van Ende, Dong-Geun Kim, and In-Ho Jung, Application of
thermodynamic database to new mold flux design for high-Al steel production , AISTech,
(2017), Volume II, 1723-1733.
[6139] M. A. Van Ende, I. H. Jung and E. Harbers: Applicability of the ladle furnace process model
to plant operation. Presented at the 8th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference (EOSC
2018), 10-12 (October 2018), Taranto, Italy, proceeding EOSC paper# 030.
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The SGTE-Casebook -
Thermodynamics at work
Edited by K. Hack,
The Institute of Materials, Materials Modelling Series, ISBN 0 901716 74X
Table of Contents:
Part I: Theoretical Background
Basic Thermochemical Relationships
Klaus Hack
1. Thermochemistry of stoichiometric reactions
2. Thermochemistry of complex systems
Models and Data
Klaus Hack
1. Gibbs energy data for pure stoichiometric substances
2. Gibbs energies for solution phases
Graphical Representations of Equilibria
Klaus Hack
Summarising Mathematical Relationships between Gibbs Energy and other
Thermodynamic Information
Klaus Hack
Part II: Applications in Materials Science and Processes
Hot Salt Corrosion of Superalloys
Tom I. Barry and Alan T. Dinsdale
Computer Assisted Development of High Speed Steels
Per Gustafson
Using Calculated Phase Diagrams in the Selection of the Composition of Cemented
WC Tools with a Co-Fe-Ni Binder Phase
Armando Fern ndez Guillermet
Prediction of Loss of Corrosion Resistance in Austenitic Stainless Steels
Mats Hillert and Caian Qiu
Calculation of Solidification Paths for Multicomponent Systems
Bo Sundman and Ibrahim Ansara
Prediction of a Quasiternary Section of a Quaternary Phase Diagram
Mats Hillert and Stefan Jonsson
Estimative Treatment of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Al-Ni Alloys
Klaus Hack
The Thermodynamic Simulation in the Service of the CVD Process. Application to
the Deposition Of WSi2 Thin Films
Constantin Vahlas, Claude Bernard and Roland Madar
Calculation of the Concentration of Iron and Copper Ions in Aqueous Sulphuric Acid
Solutions as a Function of the Electrode Potential
J rgen Korb and Klaus Hack
Thermochemical Conditions for the Production of Low Carbon Stainless Steels
Klaus Hack
Application of Phase Equilibrium Calculations to the Analysis of Severe Accidents in
Nuclear Reactors
Richard G. J. Ball, Paul K. Mason and Mike A. Mignanelli
Pyrometallurgy of Copper-Nickel-Iron Sulphide Ores: The Calculation of Distribution
of Components between Matte, Slag, Alloy and Gas Phases
Tom I. Barry, Alan T. Dinsdale, Susan M. Hodson, Jeff R. Taylor
High-Temperature Corrosion of SiC in Hydrogen-Oxygen Environments
Klaus G. Nickel, Hans L. Lukas and G nter Petzow
The Carbon Potential during Heat Treatment of Steel
Torsten Holm and John gren
Preventing Clogging in a Continuous Casting Process
Bo Sundman
Evaluation of EMF from a Potential Phase Diagram for a Quaternary System
Mats Hillert
Part III: Towards Process Simulation
Steady-State Calculations for Dynamic Processes
Klaus Hack
Diffusion in Multicomponent Phases
John gren
Production of Metallurgical Grade Silicon in an Electric Arc Furnace
Gunnar Eriksson and Klaus Hack
Multicomponent Diffusion in Compound Steel
John gren