The FactSage FScopp copper alloy database







-         A LIST OF all the unary, binary AND ternary SYSTEMS WHICH HAVE BEEN ASSESSED








CLICK ON “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams.”




The FactSage FScopp copper alloy database is directed primarily to the liquid state of copper-rich alloys, for which a large amount of assessed thermodynamic data is already available. It is based on relevant sub-systems from the old SGTE Solution Database, but now incorporating updates of those systems as well as many new published and in-house assessments.  Data compiled by Coursol for the Cu-rich liquid phase [1] have also been incorporated.


While the optimized thermodynamic parameters contained in FScopp are intended primarily to provide a sound basis for calculations relating to copper production and refining, copper-rich solid phases are also included in the database. This makes possible the calculation of liquidus temperatures and solidification characteristics relevant to the casting of certain copper-rich alloys, although, because of the more limited amount of assessed data for solid ternary and higher-order phases available, the results should be treated with caution.


Please note that the FScopp database is a self-consistently evaluated database designed to be used independently of any other. Considerable caution must be exercised if it is used in conjunction with other FactSage alloy databases. However, calculations involving the gas phase can be performed with the FACTPS Database.


The elements included as alloying components of copper are:


    Ag,     Al,     As,     Au,     Be,     Bi,     C,     Ca,     Cd,     Co,     Cr,     Fe,     Ga,


    Ge,      H,      Hg,     In,     Li,     Mg,     Mn,     Nb,     Ni,     O,     P,     Pb,     Pd,


     Pt,    S,     Sb,     Se,     Si,     Sn,     Te,     Ti,     Tl,     V,      W,     Zn,     Zr



In the above list of elements, C, Ca, Ga, Ge, H, Hg, In, Li, Pd, Pt, Tl, V and W are considered minor alloying elements and Gibbs energy model parameters are only available for the FCC-A1, BCC-A2 and Liquid solutions.  However, most of the pure compounds of these subsystems are present in the database.


Specific information on each alloy system can be obtained from the list of references supplied further below.


[1]  P.Coursol, Report from CRCT, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, August 2001.



Composition Ranges


As mentioned above, the database is intended primarily for calculations relating to

Cu-rich liquid alloys. However, some uses may involve relatively large concentrations of the alloying elements present. For this reason, and with the exception of alloys of Cu with Au, Ga, Ge, In, O, P, Pd, Pt, Se and Te, all the copper binary systems are described over all ranges of composition and temperature, i.e. the assessed data provide a good description of the complete phase diagram and thermodynamic properties for the binary alloy system concerned.


Ternary interaction parameters have been assessed for only a few Cu-rich Cu-A-B ternary systems.  The number of such assessed parameters is particularly limited in the case of solid phases. Many other ternary interactions in Cu-rich Cu-A-B solutions are estimated, using the appropriate models, from the assessed binary parameters for Cu-free A-B phases. Note that calculation of phase boundaries in higher-order systems may give very unreliable results when the ternary interaction parameters for the solid solutions are estimated by combination of such binary parameters.


Temperature Ranges


The database is generally valid for the temperature range of approximately 400oC to 1600oC.




In the assessments, the liquid phase has been described using the Modified Quasichemical Model in the Pair Approximation (MQMPA) which evaluates the effect of short-range order between 2 elements in the solution.  Some binary assessments were made equivalent to a Bragg-Williams (random mixing) approximation when the published binary assessment dictated that choice. The fcc Cu-rich phase has been described as a substitutional solid solution and several other non-stoichiometric intermetallic phases have been described using a sublattice model.


Systems assessed


The following matrix is an overview of the binary optimized subsystems in the FScopp Database:

Please note that for the minor alloying elements denoted by the pink color in the matrix, the quality assessment is based only on the FCC-A1, BCC-A2 and Liquid solutions (and the pure compounds) and not on all phases within these binary subsystems.


Phase Selection in the EQUILIB and PHASE DIAGRAM Modules


The database has been constructed in order to simplify the phase selection in the EQUILIB and PHASE DIAGRAM modules of FactSage: 


If the database is used alone (i.e. without any other connected databases), you can simply select all pure solids and all solution phases (i.e. click on the button “Select” and the submenu item “Select all solutions”).  If the activity of a pure liquid species is intended to be computed, then select all pure liquids.


If the database is used in conjunction with FACTPS, you can simply select all gaseous species and all pure solids.  Then select all solution phases (i.e. click on the button “Select” and the submenu item “Add all solutions from database | FScopp”).  If the activity of a pure liquid species is intended to be computed, then select all pure liquids.  Select carefully the species and solutions from other databases (i.e. FToxid, FTsalt, etc.), however, avoid to include solutions and pure species from another alloy database (i.e. FSstel, FTlite, etc.) as there can be important differences between these databases and FScopp.


In the EQUILIB module for large systems (i.e. more than 5 elements), some solutions will see their default phase selection (“+, I, J, etc.”) changed from “I” (i.e. possible 2-phase immiscibility) to “!” (i.e. dormant (metastable) phase) as these solutions contain a very large number of end-members (hundreds to thousands of phase constituents).  For these solutions, no mass can be attributed to them as they are set to be metastable.  However, a post-calculation is performed in order to evaluate their activity.  If their activity is greater than 1, then it is recommended that you repeat the calculation(s) with the phase selection overridden as “+” or “I” (by right-clicking on the “+”-column (2nd column) of the “Products | Solution phases” box of the MENU Window.



Assessed Binary Copper-containing Systems





Cu-Au             (no ordered phases AuCu3-L12, Au3Cu-L12, AuCu-L10)

Cu-Be                         (CuBe2 approx. a a pure compound)










Cu-H               (for P(H2) ≤ 1 atm)








Cu-O               (for P(O2) ≤ 1.0x10-4 atm)

Cu-P               (best for Cu-Cu3P)





Cu-Sb                         (best for Cu-Cu2Sb)

Cu-Se              (best for Cu-Cu2Se)



Cu-Te             (best for Cu-Cu2Te)












Assessed Ternary interaction parameters in Cu-rich systems

(assessed parameters for certain phases only – click on “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams” for details.)


























Other assessed binary interaction parameters from which ternary interactions in Cu-rich systems are estimated (please refer to the matrix of binary assessed subsystems)


Other assessed ternary interaction parameters from which quaternary interactions in Cu-rich systems are estimated (assessed parameters for certain phases only – click on “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams” for details.)


















Use of the Database


The phase diagrams of all the copper-containing binary systems listed above have been checked using FactSage.






Pure Element Data


  A.T.Dinsdale, SGTE Data for Pure Elements, Calphad 15 (1991) 317-425



Binary Copper-containing Systems


Cu-Ag:    Wang, Jian & Cui, Senlin & Rao, Weifeng. (2018). Journal of Electronic Materials. 47.

Cu-Al:     N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8,  p.28-33

Cu-As:    M.Hamalainen, private communication

Cu-Au:    B.Sundman, S.G.Fries, A.Oates, Calphad 22 (1998) 335-354

Cu-Be:    P.J.Spencer, (2003)

Cu-Bi:     J. Wang, CRCT (2015)

Cu-C:      Shubhank and Y.-B.Kang CALPHAD 45 (2014) 127–137 

Cu-Ca:    D.Risold, B.Hallstedt, L.J.Gauckler, H.L.Lukas, S.G.Fries, Calphad 20 (1996) 151-160

Cu-Cd:    X-M Chen, L-B Liu, L-G Zhang, H. Bo and Z-P Jin Trans Nonferrous Met Soc. China, 20 (2010) 649-654

Cu-Co:    P.J.Spencer - L.Kaufman interaction parameters with SGTE element data.

Cu-Cr:     S. Cui and I.-H Jung CALPHAD (2017)

Cu-Fe:     Shubhank and Y-B. Kang, CALPHAD 2014 

Cu-Ga:    Li et al., CALPHAD 32(2) (2008),  447-453

Cu-Ge:    Wang et al. J.Alloys Cmpds 2010

Cu-H:       J.-P. Harvey, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2006)

Cu-Hg:    Y. Liu et al. / Thermochimica Acta 547 (2012) 83–88

Cu-In:     C.R.Kao, A.Bolcavage et al, J Phase Equilibria 14 (1993) 22-30

Cu-Li:     N Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8 p 168-169

Cu-Mg:   S. Cui and I.-H Jung CALPHAD (2017)

Cu-Mn:   S. Cui and I.-H Jung CALPHAD (2017)

Cu-Nb:    Byeong Joo Lee database, private comunication to SGTE 1999

Cu-Ni:     M. Mezbahul-Islam and M. Medraj, “Experimental study of the Cu-Ni-Y system at 700°C using diffusion couples and key alloys” Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 561(5), 161-173 (2013)

Cu-O:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Cu-P:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Cu-Pb:    P. Chartrand (2018)

Cu-Pd:    G.K.Sigworth, J.F.Elliott, Canad.Met.Quarterly 13 (1974) 455-461.

Cu-Pt:     J.R. Taylor, Platinum Metals Rev. (1985) 29, 2, 74-80

Cu-S:      P. Waldner, internal report, CRCT (2005)

Cu-Sb:    SGTE Solution Database, 2004.

Cu-Se:    P. Chartrand (2018)

Cu-Si:     S. Cui and I.-H Jung CALPHAD (2017)

Cu-Sn:    J. Wang, internal report, CRCT (2015)

Cu-Te:    P. Chartrand (2018) and P.Coursol, Report from CRCT, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, August 2001.

Cu-Ti:     H.C.Hari Kumar, I.Ansara, P.Wollants, L.Delaey, Z.Metallkde., 87 (1996) 666-672

Cu-Tl:     P.Y.Chevalier, Thermochimica Acta 156 (1989) 383-392

Cu-V:      Byeong Joo Lee database, private comunication to SGTE 1999

Cu-W :    P. Chartrand (2018)

Cu-Zn:    Liang, Hsiao, Schmid-Fezter CALPHAD, 2015

Cu-Zr:    D.H.Kang I.H.Jung Intermetallics 2010 


Ternary Interaction Parameters in Cu-rich Systems(assessed parameters for certain phases only – click on “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams” for details.)


















Other Binary Parameters (assessed parameters for certain phases only – click on “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams” for details.)


Ag-Al:    S.S.Lim, P.L.Rossiter, J.W.Tibbals, Calphad 19 (1995) 131-142

Ag-As:    P. Chartrand (2018)      

Ag-Au:    Re-assessed MQMPA liquid from S.Hassam, J.Agren, M.Gaune-Escard, J.P.Bros, Met.Trans. 21A (1990) 1877-1884

Ag-Bi:     Wang, Jian & Cui, Senlin & Rao, Weifeng. (2018). Journal of Electronic Materials. 47.

Ag-C:       P. Chartrand (2014)

Ag-Ca:    J. Wang, P. Chartrand and I-H Jung, CALPHAD 50 (2015)

Ag-Co:    P. Chartrand (2014)

Ag-Fe:     P. Chartrand (2014)

Ag-Ga:     W. Gierlotka, D. Jendrzejczyk-Handzlik, Journal of Alloys & Compounds 509 (2011) 38

Ag-Ge:    P.Y.Chevalier, E.Fischer, private Communication, 1998:

Ag-H :     P. Chartrand (2014)

Ag-Hg:   Y. Liu et al. / Thermochimica Acta 547 (2012) 83–88

Ag-In:     J. Wang, P. Hudon, D. Kevorkov, P. Chartrand, I-H Jung, M. Medraj, JPE 2014, 35(3), 284-313

Ag-Li:     J. Wang, P. Chartrand and I-H Jung, CALPHAD 50 (2015)

Ag-Mg:   J. Wang, P. Chartrand and I-H Jung, CALPHAD 50 (2015)

Ag-Mn:    I. Karakaya, W. T. Thompson,  Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 1990, 11, (5), 80-486

Ag-Ni:    Wang, Jian & Cui, Senlin & Rao, Weifeng. (2018). Journal of Electronic Materials. 47.

Ag-P:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Ag-Pb:    H.-L. Lukas, 1998

Ag-Pd:    G. Ghosh, C. Kantner, G. B. Olson, J. Phase Equilib., 1999, 20(3), 295-308

Ag-S:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Ag-Sb:    E. Zoro, C.  Servant, B.  Legendre, Journal of Phase equilibria and Diffusion, 2007, 28, 250-257 

Ag-Se:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Ag-Si:     S.Hassam, J.Agren, M.Gaune-Escard, J.P.Bros, Met.Trans. 21A (1990) 1877-1884 

Ag-Sn:    J. Wang, P. Hudon, D. Kevorkov, P. Chartrand, I-H Jung, M. Medraj, JPE 2014, 35(3), 284-313

Ag-Ti:     Mei Li, Changrong Li, Fuming Wang, Weijing Zhang, CALPHAD, 2005, 29, 269-275

Ag-Tl:     H.-L. Lukas, reassessment based on of Zimmerman’s thesis, 1976

Ag-W:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Ag-Zn:    J. Wang, Y-N Zhang, P. Hudon, I-H Jung, M. Medraj, P. Chartrand, J. Alloys Cmpds (2015) 639, p. 593

Ag-Zr:     D.H. Kang, I.H. Jung, Intermetallics 18 (2010) 815-833

Al-As:     P.J. Spencer (2008)

Al-Au:     J.Murray, H.Okamoto, T.B.Massalski, Bull.Alloy Phase Diags.8 (1987) 20-30

                    (Modified by A.T.Dinsdale to give compatibility with SGTE unary data and to prevent 

                     high-temp. stability of fcc)

Al-Be:     M. Piché, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2002) 

Al-Bi:      M. Paliwal (2009)

Al-C:        P. Chartrand, CRCT (2004) 

Al-Ca:      Y-B Kang, CRCT (2008)

Al-Co:     Based on N.Dupin, I.Ansara, Rev. de Met. 9 (1998) 1121-1129

Al-Cd:      P. Chartrand (2017)

Al-Co:     N. Dupin, I. Ansara, La Revue de Metallurgie-CIT/Science et Genie des Materiaux, September 1998, 1121-1129

Al-Cr:      P. Chartrand (2006) MQMPA refitted from N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, 23-27; based on: Z Metallkde. 78 (1987) 795-801

Al-Fe:     A.T. Phan & Y-B Kang, Acta Materiala 2014, modifications from P. Chartrand (2018)

Al-Ga:    P. Chartrand (2018) MQMPA refitted from A.Watson CALPHAD 1992 

Al-Ge:    I. Ansara, J. P. Bros, M. Gambino, CALPHAD 1979, 3(3), 225

Al-H:       J.-P. Harvey, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2006)

Al-Hg:     A. J. McAlister, Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 1985, 6, (3), 219-221

Al-In:      I. Ansara, C Chatillon, H. L. Lukas, T. Nishizawa, H. Ohtani, K. Ishida, M. Hillert, B. Sundman, B. B. Argent, A. Watson, T. G. Chart, T. Anderson,  CALPHAD 1994, 18(4), 177-222 

Al-Li:       J.-P. Harvey, CRCT (2008)

Al-Mg:     P.Chartrand (2006)

Al-Mn:     Min-Su Kim and Y-B Kang, JPED 2015

Al-Nb:     C Servant and  I. Ansara, J. Chim. Phys. 1997, 94, 869-888

Al-Ni:      I.Ansara, N.Dupin, H.-L. Lukas, B.Sundman, J.Alloys and Cpds. 247 (1997) 20-30

Al-O:       P. Chartrand (2003)

Al-P:       P. Chartrand (2014)

Al-Pb:     Y-B. Kang (2009)

Al-S:       P. Chartrand (2007) MQMPA refit from R.C.Sharma and Y.A.Chang BAPD, 8(2) 1987 p.128-131

Al-Sb:     M. Paliwal, Master Thesis, McGill Univ. (2009)

Al-Se:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Al-Si:      J.-P. Harvey, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2006)

Al-Sn:     Y-B. Kang and A.D. Pelton, CALPHAD 34 (2010)

Al-Ti:      P. Chartrand (2006) MQMPA refit from N Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.89-94

Al-Tl:      P. Chartrand (2018) MQMPA refit from McAlister 1989 BAPD

Al-V:       N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.95-98

Al-W:      COST 507 (1998)

Al-Zn:     P. Chartrand (2006) MQMPA refit from Mey, Z.Metallkde. 84 (1993) 451-455

Al-Zr:      N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.112-116

As-Au:    P.J.Spencer, June 1998

As-Bi:     P. Chartrand (2018)

As-Fe:    P.J. Spencer (2008)

As-Ga:   C  Chatillon, I. Ansara, A. Watson and B. B. Argent: CALPHAD, 1990, 14(2), 203-14.

As-Ge:    I. Ansara and D. Dutarte: CALPHAD, 1984, 8(4), 323-342.

As-In:     C.Chatillon, I.Ansara, A.Watson, B.B.Argent, Calphad 14 (1990) 203-214

As-P:      I Ansara, C Chatillon, H. L. Lukas, T. Nishizawa, H. Ohtani, K. Ishida, M. Hillert, B. Sundman, B. B. Argent, A. Watson, T. G. Chart, T. Anderson: CALPHAD 1994, 18(4), 177-222.

As-Pb:    M.Hamalainen, private communication

As-Sb:    H.Ohtani, Calphad 18 (1994) 196

As-Si:      P.J. Spencer (2006)

As-Te:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Au-Bi:     P.Y.Chevalier, Thermochimica Acta 136 (1988) 15-24

Au-C :     P.J. Spencer (2007)

Au-Cr:    P.J. Spencer, (1998)

Au-Ge:    P. Y. Chevalier: Thermochimica Acta, 1989, 141, 217-226.

Au-In:     I.Ansara, J.P.Nabot, Calphad 16 (1992) 13-18

Au-Pb:    J.P.Nabot, Thesis, Grenoble,1986

Au-Pd:     COST-531

Au-Sb:    P.Y.Chevalier, Thermochimica Acta 155 (1989)  211-225 

Au-Si:     P.Y.Chevalier, private communication to SGTE, July 1998

Au-Sn:    P.Y.Chevalier, Thermochimica Acta 130 (1988) 1-13

Au-Te :    Y. Feutelais, D. Mounai, J. R. Didry, B. Legendre: J. Phase Equil., 1994, 15(4), 380-385. (with modified AuTe2)

Au-Ti:     P.J.Spencer, July 1998

Au-Tl:     P.Y.Chevalier, Thermochimica Acta 155 (1989) 211-225

Au-Zn :    COST-531

Be-Ca :   P. Chartrand (2014)

Be-Li :     P. Chartrand (2014)

Be-Fe :    M. Piché, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2002)

Be-Mg :    M. Piché, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2002)

Be-Mn :    M. Piché, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2002)

Be-Si:     P. Chartrand (2014)

Be-Sn:    P. Chartrand (2014)

Be-Zn:    P. Chartrand (2014)

Bi-Cd:     P. Chartrand (2014)

Bi-Co:     P. Chartrand (2014)

Bi-Cr:     P. Chartrand (2014)

Bi-Fe:     Li-Mei Pan, unpublished research (1991)

Bi-Ga:     C. Girard: Thesis, Marseille 1985.

Bi-Ge:     P. Y. Chevalier: Thermochimica Acta, 1988, 132, 111-116

Bi-Hg:     unpublished assessment of  S. A. Mucklejohn.

Bi-In:      D.Boa, I.Ansara, Thermochimica Acta 314 (1998) 79-86

Bi-Li:       Z. Cao, Xie, Chartrand, Wei, CALPHAD 46 (2014)

Bi-Mg:     M. Paliwal, Master Thesis, McGill Univ. (2009)

Bi-Ni:       J. Wang, CRCT (2015)

Bi-Pb:     D.Boa, I.Ansara, Thermochimica Acta 314 (1998) 79-86  

Bi-S:        P. Chartrand (2018)

Bi-Sb:     P. Chartrand (2014) MQMPA refit from H.Ohtani, K.Ishida, J.Electronic Mater. 23 (1994) 747-755

Bi-Si:      P.J. Spencer (2008)

Bi-Sn:     J. Wang, CRCT (2015)

Bi-Tl:       Zimmermann B., Henig E. T., Lukas H. L.: Z. Metallkde., 1976, 67(12), 815-820

Bi-V:        P. Chartrand (2014)

Bi-Zn:     C.Girard, Thesis, Marseille, 1985

C-Ca :     P. Chartrand (2018)

C-Co :     A. Fernandez Guillermet:  Z. Metallkde., 1987, 78, 700-9

C-Cr :      B. J. Lee: CALPHAD 1992, 16(2), 121-149 

C-Fe:     M-S Kim, Y-B Kang JPE 2015

C-Ge:    P. Chartrand (2014)

C-Mg:    P. Chartrand (2014)

C-Mn:    M.K. Paek, Y-B Kang, CALPHAD 46 (2014), 92-102

C-Nb:     WM Huang: Mater. Sci. and Techn. 1990, 6(8), 687-694

C-Ni:      B. J. Lee: CALPHAD, 1992, 16(2), 121-149.

C-P :      P. Gustafson:  Inst. Met. Res. (Report IM-2549, 1990))

C-Pb :    unpublished assessment of T. G. Chart, NPL 1987

C-Sb:     P. Chartrand (2018)

C-Si:       M-K Paek, Y-B Kang CALPHAD 46 (2014) 92–102

C-Sn:      P. Chartrand (2007)

C-Ti:        P. J Spencer (2008)

C-V:        WM Huang : Z. Metallkde, 1991, 82, (3), 174-181

C-W:       P. Gustafson:  Report TRITA 0212 (1985), Mat. Sci and Tech. 1986, 2(7), 653-658

C-Zr:       A. Fernandez Guillermet:  J. Alloys Compounds, 1995, 217, 69-89.

Ca-Co :   P. Chartrand (2014)

Ca-Cr :   P. Chartrand (2014)

Ca-Fe:    S.Cui, M.Paliwal and I.-H. Jung, MetTrans 2014

Ca-H:     J.-P. Harvey, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2006)

Ca-In:     J. Wang, P. Chartrand and I-H Jung, CALPHAD 50 (2015)

Ca-Li:     J. Wang, P. Chartrand and I-H Jung, CALPHAD 50 (2015)

Ca-Mg:   P.-A. Anctil, Polytechnique Montreal (2003)

Ca-Mn :   P.J Spencer (2006)

Ca-Nb:    P. Chartrand (2016)

Ca-Ni:     M. Medraj (2006)

Ca-O:      P. Chartrand (2000)

Ca-Pb:     V.P.Itkin and C.B.Alcock, J. Phase Equilib. 1992,  pp.162-169

Ca-Si:     M. Heyrmann and P. Chartrand, JPE (2005)

Ca-Sn:    J. Wang, Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2014)

Ca-Ti:      P. Chartrand (2014)

Ca-V:      P. Chartrand (2014)

Ca-W:      P. Chartrand (2014)

Ca-Zn:     P.J. Spencer (2006)

Ca-Zr:      P. Chartrand (2014)

Cd-Co:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Cr:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Fe:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Ga:    Zakulski W., Moser Z., Rzyman K., Lukas H. L., Fries S. G., Sikiennik M., Kaczmarczyk R., Castanet R.:  J. Phase Equil., 1993, 14(2), 184-196.

Cd-Ge:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Hg:     Jang J., Silk N. J., Watson A., Bryant A. W., Chart T. G., Argent B. B.: CALPHAD, 1995, 19(3), 415-430

Cd-In:     Zakulski W., Moser Z., Rzyman K., Lukas H. L., Fries S. G., Sikiennik M., Kaczmarczyk R., Castanet R.:  J. Phase Equil. 1993,14(2),184-196

Cd-Mg:    Ren, Li, Guo, Du, Thermochimica Acta 2012 (without ordered phases)

Cd-Pb:     W. Zakulski, Z. Moser:  J. Phase Equilib, 1995, 16(3), 239-242.  W. Zakulski, Z. Moser:  J. Phase Equilib, 1995, 16(6), 484.

Cd-S:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Sb:    L. A. Zabdyr:  CALPHAD 1997, 21(3), 349-358.

Cd-Si:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Sn:    P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Tl :    Y. Liu et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 473 (2009) 60–64

Cd-V:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-W:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cd-Zn:    L. A. Zabdyr:  CALPHAD 1997, 21(3), 349-358.

Co-Cr:    A.Kusoffsky, B.Jansson, Calphad 21 (1997) 321-333

Co-Fe:    A.F.Guillermet, High Temp. High Press. 19 (1988) 477-499

Co-In:     D. Boa, B. K. Dongui, I. Ansara: CALPHAD 25 (2001) 645-650

Co-Li:      P. Chartrand (2014)

Co-Mg:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Co-Mn:   W.Huang, Calphad 13 (1989) 231-242

Co-Nb:    K.C.H.Kumar, I.Ansara, P.Wollants, L.Delaey, J.Alloys and Cpds. 267 (1998) 105-112

Co-Ni:     A.F.Guillermet, Z.Metallkde. 78 (1987) 639-647; Z.Metallkde. 79 (1988) 524-536

Co-S:      P. Waldner, A.D. Pelton, internal report, CRCT (2004)

Co-Si:     S.D.Choi, Calphad 16 (1992) 151-159.

Co-Ti:     G.Cacciamani, R.Ferro, I.Ansara, N.Dupin, submitted to "Intermetallics", 1999

Co-V:      J. Bratberg, B. Sundman:  J. Phase Equil., (2003), 24(6), 495-503

Co-W:     Markstrom, Sundman & Frisk JPE (2005)

Co-Zn:     G.P. Vassilev, M. Jiang: J. Phase Equil. and Diffusion 2004, 25, 259-268

Co-Zr:      Durga & Kumar, CALPHAD 2010

Cr-Fe:     Cui & I.-H. Jung CALPHAD 2017

Cr-H:       J.-P. Harvey, Master Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal (2006)

Cr-Hg:     P. Chartrand (2018)

Cr-Li:     P. Chartrand (2003)

Cr-Mg:     I. Ansara, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.143-144

Cr-Mn:     B.J. Lee, Metall.Trans.24A (1993) 1919

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Mg-W:      P. Chartrand (2014)

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Se-Te:     G. Ghosh, R. C. Sharma, D. T. Li, Y. A. Chang: J. Phase Equil., 1994, 15(2), 213-224

Si-Sn:      M.H.G.Jacobs, P.J.Spencer, Calphad  20 (1996) 89-91

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Si-V:        M.H.Rand, COST 507 (1994), ISBN 2-87263-156-9, p.182

Si-W :      P.Y. Chevalier, E. Fischer, Thermodata report, June 2003

Si-Zn:      A. Shukla, internal report CRCT (2006)

Si-Zr:       C.Gueneau, C.Servant, I.Ansara, N.Dupin, Calphad  18 (1994) 319-327

Sn-Te:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Sn-Ti:      F.Hayes, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.284-287

Sn-Tl:      P. Chartrand (2018)

Sn-V:      Chen, Gierlotka, and Chen, Journal of Electronic Mat., Vol. 37, No. 11, 2008

Sn-Zn:     P Ghosh, MD Mezbahul-Islam, M Medraj - Calphad, 2012

Sn-Zr:       J.Korb, K.Hack, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.290-292

Ti-V:         N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.297-298

Ti-W:        N.Saunders, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p.297-298

Ti-Zn:       K. Doi, S. Ono, H. Ohtani, M. Hasebe:  J. Phase Equilib. Diff., 2006, 27(1), 63-74.

Ti-Zr:       H.Kumar, P.Wollants, L.Delaey, J.Alloys and Compounds, (1994) p.121-127

V-W:        MQMPA fit of J. Bratberg:  Z. Metallkd., 96 (2005) 335-344.

V-Zn:        P. Chartrand (2014)

V-Zr:        J.Korb, K.Hack, COST 507 (1998) ISBN 92-828-3902-8, p 303-304.



Other Ternary Parameters (assessed parameters for certain phases only – click on “List of optimized systems and calculated binary phase diagrams” for details.)

